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Cote : 1892.
Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de pages : 434
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Image : [Myotomia reformata]
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 [sans numérotation]  The Preface
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
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 [sans numérotation]  Syllabus Musculorum eâ serie qua in ordinariis Corporis Humani [anatomais] dissecantur
 LXXVI  Introduction
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 I  Introduction concerning the Muscles and their Action
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
 V  Part I
 XXXV  Proposition I
 XXXVII  Proposition II
 XL  Proposition III
 XLIV  Proposition IV
 XLVI  Proposition V
 XLIX  Corollary. Proposition VI
 LIII  Corollary I
 LIV  Corollary II / Corollary III
 LV  Corollary IV. Proposition VII
 LVII  Proposition VIII
 LX  Proposition IX
 LXXVII  Errata
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 1  Myotomia reformata : or, a New Administration and Description of the Muscles of a Human Body. Chap. I. Of the Muscles of the Abdomen
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
 2  I. Obliquus descendens
 3  II. Obliquus ascendens
 4  III. Pyramidalis vel succenturiatus. IV. Rectus
 5  V. Transversalis
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Cul-de-lampe]
 7  Chap. II. Of the Muscles of the Testes. VI. Cremaster, or Suspensor Testiculi
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
 8  Chap. III. Of the Muscles of the Penis. VII. Accelerator urinae
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
 9  VIII. Erector Penis. IX. Transversalis Penis
 10  X. Erector Clitoridis. XI. Sphincter Vaginae
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Cul-de-lampe]
 11  Chap. IV. Of the Muscles of the Bladder of urine. XII. Detrusor urinae. XIII. Sphincter vesicae
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
Image : [Myotomia reformata]
 13  Chap. V. Of the Muscles of the Anus. XIV. Sphincter ani
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
 14  XV. Levator ani
 15  Chap. VI. Of the Muscles of the Hairy-Scalp and Forehead. XVI. Occipitalis
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
 16  XVII. Frontalis
 17  Chap. VII. Of the Muscles of the Cheeks and Lips. XVIII. Quadratus genae, or Quadratus colli, by some call'd Tetragonus, and by Galen, Platysma Myoides
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
 18  XIX. Buccinator. XX. Zygomaticus. XXI. Elevator labiorum
 19  XXII. Depressor labiorum. XXIII. Orbicularis labiorum. XXIV. Elevator labii superioris proprius. XXV. Depressor labii inferioris proprius
 20  XXVI. Elevator labii inferioris proprius
Image : [Myotomia reformata]
 21  Chap. VIII. Of the Muscles of the Eye-Lids. XXVII. Orbicularis palpebrarum
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Lettrine]
 22  XXVIII. Aperiens palpebram rectus
 23  Chap. IX. Of the Muscles of the Eye. XXIX. Obliquus superior or Trochlearis
 24  XXX. Obliquus inferior
 25  XXXI. Elevator oculi. XXXII. Depressor oculi. XXXIII. Adductor oculi. XXXIV. Abductor oculi
Image : [Myotomia reformata]
 27  Chap. X. Of the Muscles of the Nose. XXXV. Elevator alae nasi
 28  XXXVI. Dilatator alae nasi, & elevator labii superioris. XXXVII. Constrictor alae nasi
Image : [Myotomia reformata. Cul-de-lampe]
 29  Chap. X. Of the Muscles of the Auricula or Outward Ear. XXXVIII. Attollens auriculam. XXXIX. Retrahens auriculam
Image : [Myotomia reformata]
 31  Chap. XII. Of the Muscles of the Internal Ear
 32  XL. Externus auris vel laxator externus. XLI. Obliquus auris
 33  XLII. Internus auris. XLIII. Musculus Stapedis
 35  Chap. XIII. Of the Muscles of the Os Hyoides, or Bone of the Tongue. XLIV. Sternohyoideus
 36  XLV. Coracohyoideus. HLVI. Stylohyoideus. XLVII. Mylohyoideus
 37  XLVIII. Geniohyoideus
 38  Chap. XIV. Of the Muscles of the Tongue. XLIX. Genioglossus. L. Ceratoglossus
 39  LI. Styloglossus. LII. Basioglossus
 40  Chap. XV. Of the Muscles of the Uvula. LIII. Glossostaphylinus. LIV. Sphenostaphylinus
 41  LV. Pterygostaphylinus
 42  Chap. XVI. Of the Muscles of the Fauces. LVI. Stylopharynaeus. LVII. Oesophagaeus, seu sphincter gulae
 43  LVIII. Vaginalis gulae
 44  Chap. XVII. Of the Muscles of the Larynx. LIX. Sternothyroideus
 45  LX. Hyothyroideus. LXI. Cricothyroideus. LXII. Cricoarytaenoideus posticus
 46  LXIII. Cricoarytaenoideus lateralis. LXIV. Thyroarytaenoideus. LXV. Arytaenoideus
 47  Chap. XVIII. Of the Muscles of the Lower Jaw. LXVI. Temporalis, seu Crotaphites
 48  LXVII. Masseter. LXVIII. Digastricus, seu Biventer
 49  LXIX. Pterygoideus internus. LXX. Pterygoideus externus
 50  Chap. XIX. Of the Muscles of the Thorax
 51  LXXI. Serratus minor anticus. LXXII. Serratus major anticus
 52  LXXIII. Subclavius. LXXIV. Scalenus primus. LXXV. Scalenus secundus
 53  LXXVI. Scalenus tertius. LXXVII. Triangularis. LXXVIII. Diaphragma
 54  LXXIX. Intercostales interni
 55  LXXX. Cor
 56  Chap. XX. Of the Muscles of the Scapula, or Shoulder-Blade. LXXXI. Cucullaris, seu Trapezius. LXXXII. Rhomboides
 57  LXXXIII. Levator Scapulae
 58  Chap. XXI. Of the Muscles of the Thorax, which appear on the backside of the Body. LXXXIV. Serratus superior posticus. LXXXV. Serratus inferior posticus
 59  LXXXVI. Sacrolumbalis. LXXXVII. Intercostales externi
 60  Chap. XXII. Of the Muscles of the Head
 61  LXXXVIII. Splenius. LXXXIX. Complexus
 62  XC. Rectus major. XCI. Rectus minor. XCII. Obliquus superior. XCIII. Obliquus inferior
 63  XCIV. Mastoideus. XCV. Rectus internus major
 64  XCVI. Rectus internus minor. XCVII. Rectus lateralis
 65  Chap. XXIII. Of the Muscles of the Neck. XCVIII. Longus colli. XCIX. Spinalis colli
 66  C. Interspinales colli. CI. Transversalis colli
 67  Chap. XXIV. Of the Muscles of the Back and Loins. CII. Longissimus dorsi
 68  CIII. Quadratus lumborum. CIV. Semispinatus
 69  CV. Sacer. CVI. Musculus coccygis
 70  Chap. XXV. Of the Muscles of the Arm, or Os Humeri. CVII. Pectoralis
 71  CVIII. Deltoides. CIX. Supraspinatus
 72  CX. Infraspinatus. CXI. Teres minor. CXII. Teres major. CXIII. Latissimus dorsi, sive aniscalptor
 73  CXIV. Coracobrachialis. CXV. Subscapularis
 74  Chap. XXVI. Of the Muscles of the Cubit. CXVI. Biceps
 75  CXVII. Brachiaeus internus
 76  CXVIII. Gemellus. CXIX. Brachiaeus externus. CXX. Anconaeus
 77  Chap. XXVII. Of the Muscles of the Palm of the Hand. CXXI. Palmaris longus. CXXII. Palmaris brevis
Image : [Myotomia reformata]
 79  Chap. XXVIII. Of the Muscles of the four Fingers. CXXIII. Perforatus
 80  CXXIV. Perforans
 81  CXXV. Lumbricales. CXXVI. Extensor Digitorum communis, seu Digitorum tensor
 82  CXXVII. Interossei manus. CXXVIII. Extensor indicis, seu indicator. CXXIX. Abductor indicis
 83  CXXX. Extensor minimi digiti. CXXXI. Abductor minimi digiti
 84  Chap. XXIX. Of the Muscles of the Thumb. CXXXII. Flexor tertii internodii, seu longissimus pollicis. CXXXIII. Abductor pollicis
 85  CXXXIV. Flexor primi & secundi ossis pollicis. CXXXV. Abductor pollicis. CXXXVI. Extensor primi internodii pollicis
 86  CXXXVII. Extensor secundi internodii pollicis. CXXXVIII. Extensor tertii internodii pollicis
 87  Chap. XXX. Of the Muscles of the Wrist, or Carpus. CXXXIX. Flexor Carpi radialis. CXL. Flexor Carpi ulnaris. CXLI. Extensor Carpi radialis
 88  CXLII. Extensor Carpi ulnaris
 89  Chap. XXXI. Of the Muscles of the Radius. CXLIII. Pronator Radii teres. CXLIV. Pronator Radii quadratus, or inferior quadratus
 90  CXLV. Supinator Radii longus. CXLVI. Supinator Radii brevis
 91  Chap. XXXII. Of the Muscles of the Thigh
 92  CXLVII. Psoas parvus. CXLVIII. Psoas magnus, seu Lumbalis. CXLIX. Iliacus internus
 93  CL. Pectineus. CLI. Glutaeus major
 94  CLII. Glutaeus medius. CLIII. Glutaeus minor
 95  CLIV. Pyriformis, seu Iliacus externus. CLV. Marsupialis, seu Bursalis
 96  CLVI. Quadratus Femoris. CLVII. Obsturator externus. CLVIII. Triceps
Image : [Myotomia reformata]
 98  Chap. XXXIII. Of the Muscles of the Leg. CLIX. Membranosus
 99  CLX. Sartorius. CLXI. Gracilis
 100  CLXII. Biceps. CLXIII. Seminervosus, seu Semitendinosus. CLXIV. Semimembranosus
 101  CLXV. Popliteus. CLXVI. Rectus Femoris. CLXVII. Vastus externus. CLXVIII. Vastus internus
 102  CLXIX. Crureus, seu Femoreus
 103  Chap. XXXIV. Of the Muscles of the Foot, or Tarsus
 104  CLXX. Tibialis Anticus. CLXXI. Gasterocnemius externus, seu Gemellus
 105  CLXXII. Plantaris. CLXXIII. Soleus, seu Gasterocnemius internus
 106  CLXXIV. Peronaeus primus. CLXXV. Peronaeus secundus
 107  CLXXVI. Tibialis posticus
 108  Chap. XXXV. Of the Muscles of the Great Toe. CLXXVII. Extensor Pollicis longus
 109  CLXXVIII. Extensor Pollicis brevis. CLXXIX. Flexor Pollicis longus. CLXXX. Flexor Pollicis brevis. CLXXXI. Adductor Pollicis
 110  CLXXXII. Abductor Pollicis
 111  Chap. XXXVI. Of the Muscles of the four Lesser Toes. CLXXXIII. Extensor Digitorum Pedis longus
 112  CLXXXIV. Extensor Digitorum brevis. CLXXXV. Perforatus. CLXXXVI. Perforans
 113  CLXXXVII. Lumbricales. CLXXXVIII. Abductor minimi Digiti. CLXXXIX. Transversalis Pedis. CXC. Flexor primi internodii minimi Digiti proprius
 114  CXCI. Interossei Pedis
 115  Explanation of the Tables
 116  Tab. I. Represents the Muscles appearing on the fore Side of a human Body, after the external Teguments are removed / Tab. II. The same body, with some of the external Muscles raised, and others taken off / Tab. III. Shews the same Body farther denuded
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Image : Tab. I. Represents the Muscles appearing on the fore Side of a human Body, after the external Teguments are removed
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Image : Tab. II. The same body, with some of the external Muscles raised, and others taken off
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Image : Tab. III. Shews the same Body farther denuded
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Image : Tab. IV. Shews the fore Part of the Skeleton of a Man
 117  Tab. IV. Shews the fore Part of the Skeleton of a Man
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Image : Tab. V. Represents the Body in a Side View. Fig. I. and Fig. II
 119  Tab. V. Represents the Body in a Side View. Fig. I. and Fig. II
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Image : Tab. VI. Represents the Side View of the Body partly denuded, and the Skeleton. Fig. I and Fig. II
 121  Tab. VI. Represents the Side View of the Body partly denuded, and the Skeleton. Fig. I. and Fig. II
 122  Fig. III and Fig. IV
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Image : Tab. VII. Shews the back View of the Body a Man
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Image : Tab. VIII. The same Body with some of the external Muscles taken off
 123  Tab. VII. Shews the back View of the Body a Man / Tab. VIII. The same Body with some of the external Muscles taken off
 124  Tab. IX. Represents the same Body, with more of the Muscles removed
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Image : Tab. IX. Represents the same Body, with more of the Muscles removed
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Image : Tab. X. The back View the Skeleton of a Man
 125  Tab. X. The back View the Skeleton of a Man
 126  Tab. XI. XII. XIII. These Figures are chiefly design'd for the Use of Painters and Statuaires. The Outlines are copied from some of the greatest Masters, and the Muscles are laid in from the Life
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Image : Tab. XI. Those Figure is chiefly design'd for the Use of Painters and Statuaires. The Outlines are copied from some of the greatest Masters, and the Muscles are laid in from the Life
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Image : Tab. XII. Those Figure is chiefly design'd for the Use of Painters and Statuaires. The Outlines are copied from some of the greatest Masters, and the Muscles are laid in from the Life
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Image : Tab. XIII. Those Figure is chiefly design'd for the Use of Painters and Statuaires. The Outlines are copied from some of the greatest Masters, and the Muscles are laid in from the Life
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Image : Tab. XI. XII. XIII. These Figures are chiefly design'd for the Use of Painters and Statuaires. The Outlines are copied from some of the greatest Masters, and the Muscles are laid in from the Life
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Image : Tab. XIV. Shews the internal Surface of the Musculus Obliquus Descendens, when dissected and display'd
 127  Tab. XIV. Shews the internal Surface of the Musculus Obliquus Descendens, when dissected and display'd
 128  Tab. XV. The Musculus Obliquus Ascendens, with the Rectus and part of the Tendon of the Descendens, together with the Testis of the Left Side dissected and display'd...
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Image : Tab. XV. The Musculus Obliquus Ascendens, with the Rectus and part of the Tendon of the Descendens, together with the Testis of the Left Side dissected and display'd...
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 130  Tab. XVI. 4. The internal Surface of the Rectus Abdominis of the Left Side. 5. The internal Surface of the Transversalis Abdominis of the Left Side
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Image : Tab. XVI. 4. The internal Surface of the Rectus Abdominis of the Left Side. 5. The internal Surface of the Transversalis Abdominis of the Left Side
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Image : Tab. XVII. [Organes génito-urinaires masculins. Crémaster et muscles du pénis]
 131  Tab. XVII
 132  Tab. XVIII
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Image : Tab. XVIII. [Organes génito-urinaires féminins]
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Image : Tab. XIX. [Sphincter et muscles du pénis]
 133  Tab. XIX
 134  Tab. XX
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Image : Tab. XX. [Sphincter, muscles de l'anus]
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Image : Tab. XXI. [Muscles de la tête et du thorax, vue de profil]
 135  Tab. XXI
 136  Tab. XXII
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Image : Tab. XXII. [Muscles de la tête et du thorax, vue de trois quarts face]
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Image : Tab. XXIII. [Muscles et vaisseaux sanguins de la tête et du cou]
 137  Tab. XXIII
 138  Tab. XXIV
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Image : Tab. XXIV. [Muscles, nerfs, vaisseaux de la tête]
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Image : Tab. XXV. The Muscles of the Eye-lid and Eye, Ala Nasi & Auricula, as big as the Life. Fig. I. The Muscles of the Palpebra, and right Eye in self, dissected and display'd. Fig. II. The back part of the Muscles of the Left Eye dissected and display'd. Fig. III. IV. The Muscles of the Eye dissected, and so dispos'd, as to shew the natural Position ef each Muscle in the Left Eye
 139  Tab. XXV. The Muscles of the Eye-lid and Eye, Ala Nasi & Auricula, as big as the Life. Fig. I. The Muscles of the Palpebra, and right Eye in self, dissected and display'd. Fig. II. The back part of the Muscles of the Left Eye dissected and display'd. Fig. III. IV. The Muscles of the Eye dissected, and so dispos'd, as to shew the natural Position ef each Muscle in the Left Eye
 140  Fig. V. VI. Fig. VII. The Left Ear, with its Muscles, as I have most commody found them, they varying in their Figure in different Subjects
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Image : Tab. XXVI. Fig. I. Part of the Right Os Temporale, &c. containingh the Organs of Hearing of the Right Side as big as the Life. Fig. II. The internal Surface of the same Bones, with the Organs of Hearing, represented in the preceding Figure
 141  Tab. XXVI. Fig. I. Part of the Right Os Temporale, &c. containingh the Organs of Hearing of the Right Side as big as the Life. Fig. II. The internal Surface of the same Bones, with the Organs of Hearing, represented in the preceding Figure
 142  Fig. III. Part of preceding Figure. Fig. IV. The four little Bones of the roght Ear taken out with their Muscles
 143  Fig. V. VI. VII. The Malleus, Incus, and Stapes, as big as the Life, and magnisy'd. Fig. VIII. The same Organs of the Left Ear magnify'd in the same Position, as in Fig. III
 144  Tab. XXVII. Fig. I. The upper Surface of the Os Hyoides, when freed from its Muscles. Fig. II. The internal Surface of the same Os Hyoides. Fig. III. IV. The internal and external Surface of the Os Hyoides from another Body. The two other Figures represent the Os Hyoides taken out with its Muscles
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Image : Tab. XXVII. Fig. I. The upper Surface of the Os Hyoides, when freed from its Muscles. Fig. II. The internal Surface of the same Os Hyoides. Fig. III. IV. The internal and external Surface of the Os Hyoides from another Body. The two other Figures represent the Os Hyoides taken out with its Muscles
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Image : Tab. XXVIII. Fig. I. The Tongue, with its Muscles cut from their Originations, and left at their Insertions into the Body of the Tongue. Fig. II. The back part of the Muscles of the Uvula, with the upper part of those of the Fauces, when dissected
 145  Tab. XXVIII. Fig. I. The Tongue, with its Muscles cut from their Originations, and left at their Insertions into the Body of the Tongue. Fig. II. The back part of the Muscles of the Uvula, with the upper part of those of the Fauces, when dissected
 146  Fig. III. The back part of the Muscles of the Fauces, connected to the Os Hyoides and Larynx
 147  Fig. IV. The Muscles of the Uvula, clear'd and left in their natural Situation
 148  Tab. XXIX. Fig. I. II. The fore Parts of the Muscles of the Uvula and Fauces dissected and cleared of their Glandulous Membranes. Fig. III. The Gula distended with Wind, to shew. Fig. IV. The Musculus Vaginalis Gulae, ending on the Left Orifice of the Stomach
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Image : Tab. XXIX. Fig. I. II. The fore Parts of the Muscles of the Uvula and Fauces dissected and cleared of their Glandulous Membranes. Fig. III. The Gula distended with Wind, to shew. Fig. IV. The Musculus Vaginalis Gulae, ending on the Left Orifice of the Stomach
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Image : Tab. XXX. Fig. I. The fore part of the Larynx, with the Os Hyoides and part of the Wind pipe annex'd, together all the common Muscles of the Larynx. Fig. II. III. IV. V. Shew different Views of the Larynx, and its proper Muscles
 149  Tab. XXX. Fig. I. The fore part of the Larynx, with the Os Hyoides and part of the Wind pipe annex'd, together all the common Muscles of the Larynx. Fig. II. III. IV. V. Shew different Views of the Larynx, and its proper Muscles
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Image : Tab. XXXI. The Muscles of the lower Jaw, as they appear, when freed from the Cranium
 151  Tab. XXXI. The Muscles of the lower Jaw, as they appear, when freed from the Cranium
 152  Tab. XXXII
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Image : Tab. XXXII. Serratus minor Anticus / Serrator major Anticus
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Image : Tab. XXXIII. Fig. I. The Inside of the Sternum, with the Cartilaginous Endings of the Ribs, freed from their Bony Parts. Fig. II. A Sketch of the internal Surface of two or three of the lower Ribs, near their Articulations with the Vertebrae of the Back, as big as the Life; where a Disposition of the internal Intercostal Muscles, not commonly taken notice of, is represented
 153  Tab. XXXIII. Fig. I. The Inside of the Sternum, with the Cartilaginous Endings of the Ribs, freed from their Bony Parts. Fig. II. A Sketch of the internal Surface of two or three of the lower Ribs, near their Articulations with the Vertebrae of the Back, as big as the Life; where a Disposition of the internal Intercostal Muscles, not commonly taken notice of, is represented
 154  Tab. XXXIV. The upper Surface of the Diaphragm, next the Thorax
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Image : Tab. XXXIV. Diaphragma
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Image : Tab. XXXV. Diaphragma
 155  Tab. XXXV. The lower Surface of the Diaphragm, next the Abdomen
 156  Tab. XXXVI. Divers Views of the external, middle, and internal Compages of the Fibres of the Heart. Fig. I. The fore part of the Heart, next the Sternum. Fig. II. The back part of the Heart, next the Vertebrae
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Image : Tab. XXXVI. Divers Views of the external, middle, and internal Compages of the Fibres of the Heart. Fig. I. The fore part of the Heart, next the Sternum. Fig. II. The back part of the Heart, next the Vertebrae
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 157  Fig. III. The Series of Fibres, under those represented in Fig. I Fig. IV. The Fibres, as they appear, under those express'd in Fig. III. Fig. V. The Double Spiral Order of the Fibres, at the Cone of the Heart, which may partly be seen in Fig. III. Fig. VI. A View of the internal Surface of the Cone of the Heart, after a transverse Section
 158  Tab. XXXVII. Fig. I. The right Auricle and Ventricle of the Heart, open'd from the Vena Cava Fig. II
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Image : Tab. XXXVII. Fig. I. The right Auricle and Ventricle of the Heart, open'd from the Vena Cava Fig. II
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 159  Fig. III
 160  Tab. XXXVIII. Fig. I. The same Heart, represented at Fig. I. in the preceding Table, with the right Ventricle open'd from the Arteria Pulmonalis, both being here pinn'd out and display'd, as big as the Life. Fig. II. The Mitral Valve of the left Ventricle, dissected and display'd
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Image : Tab. XXXVIII. Fig. I. The same Heart, represented at Fig. I. in the preceding Table, with the right Ventricle open'd from the Arteria Pulmonalis, both being here pinn'd out and display'd, as big as the Life. Fig. II. The Mitral Valve of the left Ventricle, dissected and display'd
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 161  Fig. III. The internal Surface of the three Semilunar Valves of the Pulmonary Artery, next the Cavity of the right Ventricle of the Heart. Fig. IV. The external Surface of the same Valves, next the Trunk of the Pulmonick Artery
 162  Tab. XXXIX. Fig. I. The Left Ventricle of the Heart open'd, with the Trunk of the Vena Pulmonalis, and the Left Auricle. Fig. II. The external Paries of the Left Ventricle, cut off from the Basis of the Heart, at the Root of the Arteria Magna, to the Cone, according to the length of the Heart
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Image : Tab. XXXIX. Fig. I. The Left Ventricle of the Heart open'd, with the Trunk of the Vena Pulmonalis, and the Left Auricle. Fig. II. The external Paries of the Left Ventricle, cut off from the Basis of the Heart, at the Root of the Arteria Magna, to the Cone, according to the length of the Heart
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 163  Fig. III. The Mitral Valve taken out entire, with the Columnae Carneae and their annex'd Tendons, &c.
 164  Tab. XL. Fig. I. The Left Ventricle of the Heart opened, together with the Vena Pulmonalis and Trunk of the Aorta, to shew in one View the Position of the Valves, that hinder the Return of the Blood by the same way it came into the Ventricle, as well as those Valves, that prevent the return of the Blood, after it is expell'd from thence by the Systole of the Heart. Fig. II. Is drawn from the same Heart express'd Fig. I. in the preceding Table, after dividing the Vena Pulmonalis, through the middle, (as 'tis there represented) together with the Arteria Aorta
 [sans numérotation]  
Image : Tab. XL. Fig. I. The Left Ventricle of the Heart opened, together with the Vena Pulmonalis and Trunk of the Aorta, to shew in one View the Position of the Valves, that hinder the Return of the Blood by the same way it came into the Ventricle, as well as those Valves, that prevent the return of the Blood, after it is expell'd from thence by the Systole of the Heart. Fig. II. Is drawn from the same Heart express'd Fig. I. in the preceding Table, after dividing the Vena Pulmonalis, through the middle, (as 'tis there represented) together with the Arteria Aorta
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 165  Fig. III. Part of the Aorta cut off next the Basis of the Heart, to shew its Valves, as they appear next the Ventricle, when the Heart is in Diastole, and the Blood hinder'd by them in its return from the Aorta to the Left Ventricle, after its Expulsion from thence
 166  Fig. IV. A Portion of the Aorta, with the Parts annex'd, in the same Position, as was represented in the preceding Figure, taken from a morbid Body, in which the use of the Semilunar Valves was entirely defeated by a large Petrefaction, that grew upon them. Fig. V. VI. Shew the same Parts of the Aorta, with its Valves viewed from the great Artery towards the Heart
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Image : Tab. XLI. [Muscles de la partie supérieure du corps humain, vue dorsale : dos, membres supérieurs]
 167  Tab. XLI
 168  Tab. XLII
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Image : Tab. XLII. [Muscles du cou : cucullaris, levator, rhomboides, superior posticus]
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Image : Tab. XLIII. [Muscles du cou : splenius, complectus, rectus, mastoides]
 169  Tab. XLIII
 170  Tab. XLIV. Fig. I. The back Parts of the Vertebrae of the Neck, as they appear'd in a late Subject, with the Muscles and Parts annex'd, as big as the Life
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Image : Tab. XLIV. Fig. I. The back Parts of the Vertebrae of the Neck, as they appear'd in a late Subject, with the Muscles and Parts annex'd, as big as the Life
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 172  Tab. XLV. Fig. I. II. The exteriour and interiour Surfaces of the Longissimus Dorsi, Sacrolumbalis, Sacer, Semi-Spinatus, and Transversalis Colli, dissected from an emaciated Body
 [sans numérotation]  
Image : Tab. XLV. Fig. I. II. The exteriour and interiour Surfaces of the Longissimus Dorsi, Sacrolumbalis, Sacer, Semi-Spinatus, and Transversalis Colli, dissected from an emaciated Body
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Image : Tab. XLVI. [Muscles de la colonne vertébrale]
 174  Tab. XLVI / Tab. XLVII
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Image : Tab. XLVII. [Muscles du dos et des épaules : supraspinatus, deltoïde, pectoral]
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Image : Tab. XLVIII. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras, épaule)]
 175  Tab. XLVIII
 176  Tab. XLIX
 [sans numérotation]  
Image : Tab. XLIX. [Muscles du membre supérieur (main, bras, épaule)]
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Image : Tab. L. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras)]
 177  Tab. L
 178  Tab. LI
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Image : Tab. LI. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras et main)]
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Image : Tab. LII. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras)]
 179  Tab. LII
 180  Tab. LIII
 [sans numérotation]  
Image : Tab. LIII. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras)]
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 182  Tab. LIV
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Image : Tab. LIV. [Muscles du membre supérieur (bras)]
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 [sans numérotation]  
Image : Tab. LV. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe)]
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Image : Tab. LVI. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe)]
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 183  Tab. LV. LVI.
 184  Tab. LVII
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Image : Tab. LVII. [Muscle glutéal (fessier)]
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Image : Tab. LVIII. [Parties de muscles du membre inférieur (jambe)]
 185  Tab. LVIII
 186  Tab. LIX
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Image : Tab. LIX. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe) : triceps, sartorius, gracilis]
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Image : Tab. LX. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe) : biceps femoris, semi-nervosus, semi-tendinosus, semimembranosus]
 187  Tab. LX
 188  Tab. LXI
 [sans numérotation]  
Image : Tab. LXI. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe) : crureus, tibialis, rectus femoris]
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Image : Tab. LXII. [Muscles du membre inférieur (jambe) : gasterocnemius, peroneus, tibialis]
 189  Tab. LXII
 190  Tab. LXIII. The Muscles of the Toes
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Image : Tab. LXIII. The Muscles of the Toes. Digitorum Pedis Musculi
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Image : Tab. LXIV. The Muscles of the Toes, as big as the Life. Digitorum Pedis Musculi
 191  Tab. LXIV. The Muscles of the Toes, as big as the Life
 192  Tab. LXV
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Image : Tab. LXV. [Les muscles du pied]
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 194  Tab. LXVI
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Image : Tab. LXVI. Fig. I. II. [Les muscles du pied]
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