Meetings and events

Bicentennial celebrations of the publication of James Parkinson “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy”

December 7th 2016, à l’Auditorium de l’ICM, La Salpêtrière,
83 Boulevard de L’Hôpital, ou 52 Boulevard Vincent Auriol,
75013 Paris.

In collaboration with the FENS history Committee (Lorenzo Lorusso, Jean-Gaël Barbara), l’ICM (Yves Agid), Société Française de Neurologie, Club des Mouvements Anormaux (CMA) and the Club d’histoire des neurosciences of the French Société des Neurosciences. Organization : Yves Agid, Jean-Gaël Barbara, Laura Bossi, Jacques Poirier, Olivier Walusinski. With Michel Gonce (Liège) : La maladie de Parkinson avant James Parkinson ; Andrew Lees (Londres) : Bicentenaire de l'essai de James Parkinson sur la paralysie agitante ; Laura Bossi (Paris): Les « Lettres à une amie » de Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835): la première description détaillée de la maladie de Parkinson par un patient ; Olivier Walusinski (Brou) : Jean-Martin Charcot et la pédagogie de la maladie de Parkinson ; Julien Bogousslavsky (Montreux) & Laurent Tatu (Besançon) : Histoire de l’anatomie des noyaux centraux ; Charles Duyckaerts, Danielle Seilhean & Susana Boluda (Paris) : Brissaud, Lewy, Tretiakoff, et l'organe électrique du poisson torpille ; Jean-Gaël Barbara (Paris) : La maladie de Parkinson comme « maladie du neurone » ; Emmanuel Broussolle (Lyon) : Histoire de la nosographie de la maladie de Parkinson ; Jacques Glowinski (Paris) : Les premiers pas de l'histoire de la dopamine ; Marwan Hariz (Londres) : Histoire de la neurochirurgie de la maladie de Parkinson ; François Boller (Washington) & Nicoletta Caputi (L'Aquila) : Histoire de la neuropsychologie de la maladie de Parkinson.

Program booklet
22th Meeting of the International Society for the History

Besançon, France, June 19-23, 2017


Local Committee: Laurent Tatu (Besançon), Julien Bogousslavsky (Montreux), François Boller (Montreux), Jean-Gaël Barbara (Paris), Claudio Bassetti (Berne), Emmanuel Broussolle (Lyon), Thierry Moulin (Besançon), François Ochsner (La Chaux-de-Fonds), Odile Roynette (Besançon)

Program booklet
Colloquium NeuroFrance 2017, International Meeting of the Société des Neurosciences

Bordeaux May 17-19 2017

Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux, avenue Jean Gabriel Domergue.

Special Symposium SP03, May 19th 2017, 1 :15 pm - 2h45 pm, Room 2: History of the Neurosciences, organised by CHN. F. Clarac, History of knowledges concerning the brain and its diseases before brain imaging from the 17th C. to the 20th C.; Laura Bossi, Jules Soury, historian of the neurosciences; J.-C. Dupont, History of integration and neurotransmission ; J.G. Barbara, History of French neurosciences from the end of the 19th C. to the 1960s.


Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française JNLF.2017

Toulouse, March 28-31 2017

History session, Histoire de la neurologie, Wednesday March 19th, organised in collaboration with the Association des assistants et internes en neurologie de France and the Club d’histoire des neurosciences. Emmanuel Broussolle (Lyon), L'approche des fonctions du cervelet de 1820 à 1920 : de l'expérimentation (Flourens-Luciani) à la clinique (Babinski-Holmes) ; Alain Créange (Créteil), L'évolution de la conception de la polyradiculonévrite de Guillain-Barré ; Jacques Poirier (Paris), Augusta Dejerine-Klumpke (1859-1927), une neurologue et une femme d'exception

Centennial Meeting of Jules Dejerine (French)

Friday February 10th 2017, 9 am - 6 pm
Amphitheatre Charcot, Pitié Salpêtrière
50, boulevard Vincent Auriol, Paris 13e

M. Fardeau, Biographies croisées de Jules et d’Augusta Dejerine ; J. Mikol, L’éviction d’Augusta de la Salpêtrière et la création de la Fondation Dejerine ; B. Brais, La dynastie Vulpian face à l’école Charcot ; C. Goetz, J.M. Charcot et l’ouverture de la Faculté de Médecine aux femmes médecins ; B. Lechevalier, La « querelle » de l’aphasie ; L. Cohen, De l’anatomie des Dejerine aux données actuelles de l’imagerie cérébrale (le cas Courrière) ; M. Iwata, Des données de Dejerine sur l’alexie à leur application à la langue japonaise ; J.-M. Vallat, Jules Dejerine et la pathologie nerveuse périphérique ; E. Broussolle, Jules Dejerine, André Thomas : la sémiologie et la pathologie du cervelet ; J. Poirier, Jules Dejerine, historien de la Médecine ; Ph. Mazet, Dejerine et les psychonévroses ; O. Walusinski, Les Dejerine pendant la Guerre de 14-18 ; L. Bossi, L’œuvre des Dejerine dans leur contexte historique ; Y. Agid, Conclusion.

Colloquium La Mémoire : histoire et actualité

December 8th 2016, ICM amphitheatre, Paris.

Collaboration between the History Committee of FENS (Lorenzo Lorusso, Jean-Gaël Barbara) and ICM (Yves Agid), organised by ICM, FENS, Club d’histoire des neurosciences, Laboratoire Sphere (Yves Agid, Laura Bossi, Jacques Poirier, Jean-Gaël Barbara). Mnémosyne, la mère des muses, Laura Bossi, Paris ; La mémoire à la Salpêtrière, Bruno Dubois, Paris ; La mosaïque des mémoires animales, Georges Chapouthier, Paris ; Mémoire et inconscient, François Ansermet, Genève ; Mémoire et subconscience, Yves Agid , Paris ; Sémiologie neuropsychologique de la mémoire - histoire et actualité, Francis Eustache, Caen ; Films sur les hypermnésiques, présentés par Lorenzo Lorusso, Brescia ; La mémoire affective de Ribot à Proust, Jacqueline Carroy, Paris ; La mémoire, une clé de voûte dans l'œuvre de Jean Delay, Marc Masson, Paris ; La mémoire chez Bergson, Frédéric Worms, Paris ; Mémoire et expérience de soi, Robert Kopp, Paris, Bâle ; Jean Clair, Mémoire et musées and Pierre Nora, Les lieux de mémoire.

Exhibition Perdrizet – Scientific imagination End

December 12th 2015, Hall des Grands Moulins

Free Entrance

Exhibit Booklet
First FENS-CHN-ICM Meeting, From the history of the neurosciences to future neuropyschiatry

ICM, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle, Pitié Salpêtrière, ICM Amphitheatre, December 3-4 2015.

Organisation : ICM, FENS, Laboratoire SPHERE (Université Paris-Diderot), Club d’histoire des neurosciences : Yves Agid, Jean-Gaël Barbara, Laura Bossi, Céline Chérici, Jean-Claude Dupont.

Programme : Claude Debru, On the utility of the history of science? Jean Gaël Barbara, History of the neurosciences or historical epistemology? Yves Agid, History for the future? Christopher Goetz, Jean Martin Charcot past and present. Michel Fardeau, Jules and Augusta Dejerine exploring the brain. Jacques Poirier, “Torpilleurs” neurologists during the First World War. Michel Imbert, The neurone. Yves Agid, The glial cell. Jean-Gaël Barbara, The school of Alfred Fessard. François Clarac, The history of cognitive neurosciences. Laurent Cohen, The Biology of Reading: A 150 years history. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Alan Turing, visionnary in Artificial Intelligence. Jean-Pierre Olié, Historical Notes on Psychiatry. Raphael Gaillard, Schizophrenia. Philippe Fossati, Depression. Roland Jouvent, Research in Psychiatry. Laura Bossi, The history of neurodegeneration. Bruno Dubois, Alzheimer’s disease. Jean Claude Dupont, Parkinson’s disease. Anne Fagot-Largeault, Autistic disorders between Neurology and Psychiatry. Céline Chérici, Gilles de la Tourette’s disease. Olivier Walusinski, Unpublished Archives from Gilles de la Tourette. Conclusion and perspectives with Yves Agid, Claude Debru, Anne Fagot-Largeault, Christopher Goetz, Jean Claude Dupont and Jean Pierre Olié.

Registration is free but compulsory :
Nicole FOURN - 

Lecture by Jacques Taxi on the contribution of Electron Microscopy to Neuroscience

Thursday July 4th, 12:30, Room B501, laboratoire de neurobiologie des processus adaptatifs, building B, UPMC.

Interdisciplinary meeting of ANR NormaStim on Deep brain stimulation.

Université Paris Descartes, Monday 12 January.

Programme: Ph. Damier (Pr. Neurologist, CHU Nantes), Deep brain stimulation: major advances in less than 30 years, J.-G. Barbara, C. Cherici and J.-C. Dupont (SPHERE), From past explorations of the nervous system to neurodegenerative diseases, B. Moutaud (CERMES3), On the production of health care and neuroscientific knowledge. The case of deep brain stimulation, P.-A. Adèle and S. Canselier (UMR droit comparé), Medical device as a perplexing and legal category.

5th Conference of the European Society for the History of Science

Athens, November 1-3 2012, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Marasleios Academy, Byzantine and Christian Museum.

Session 25, The next science of humankind. Myths and histories of the Neurosciences, coordinated & chaired by Jean-Gaël Barbara and Fabio de Sio

International Society for the History of the Neurosciences

ISHN 17th Annual Meeting, 19 - 23 June 2012, President Lorenzo Lorusso.
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy.

From left to right : Jean-Gaël Barbara, Eric Michael Johnson, Stéphane Schmitt, Jean-Claude Dupont, Henrique Sequeira, Laurent Reynet Third French-Russian GDRI CNRS meeting on the history of the neurosciences :

Russian-French-German Links in Embryology, Physiology and Medicine, 14 juin 2012.

Meeting organised by Prof. Eduard Kolchinsky – Chair of the St. Petersburg branch Institute for the history of science and technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences – and member of the Groupe de Recherche Internationale Franco-Russe du CNRS (GDRI) directed by Jean-Gaël Barbara (CNRS, CHN) and Alexander Frolov (Institute of the Higher Nervous Activity, Moscow).



Meeting “L’exploration cérébrale – Histoire récente et nouveaux outils”

April 3rd 2012, 9h30, at the Logis du Roy – 9 passage du Logis du Roy, organised by Jean-Claude Dupont and Céline Cherici, during the Congrès annuel de la Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences de la Vie (April 3-4 2012)


Exhibit of drawings by Jean Perdrizet, galerie Christian Berst

February 3 – March10 2012, Round Table, March 29, 7:00 pm, with Jean-Gaël Barbara, Baptiste Brun, Alexis Péron.

Exhibition catalogue including articles by Christian Berst (Preface), Manuel Anceau, Jean-Gaël Barbara, Marc Decimo, José Argémi.

Online Exhibition catalogue

Press articles and events in the galerie Christian Berst

First Joint Conference of Cheiron (The international Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences) and The International Society for the History of the Neurosciences (ISHN)

Calgary / Banff (Canada), June 16-19 2011 and retreat at Banff Centre for the Arts, June 19-23 2011

The First Joint Conference of Cheiron (The international Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences) and The International Society for the History of the Neurosciences (ISHN) will be held in Calgary / Banff (Canada). The main conference will take on June 16-19 at the University of Calgary, while a post-conference retreat (with workshops) will be held at the Banff Centre for the Arts on June 19-23, in the Rocky Mountains. The program consists of ca. 130 presentations, posters and discussion contributions and also includes public outreach lectures, social, music and film events.

The five keynote speakers are: Dr. Bryan Kolb, University of Lethbridge; Dr. David Wright, McMaster University; Dr. Elizabeth Lunbeck, Vanderbilt University; Dr. Andrew T. Scull, University of California, and Dr. Frank Stahnisch, University of Calgary (~ISHN Presidential Address).

Furthermore, five special lectures are featured on the program: Dr. Emily Martin (New York University) "Anthropology and the History of Experimental Psychology"; Dr. Harry Whitacker (Northern Michigan University) "Reading between the lines: An exegesis of an 18th century text"; Dr. Anne Stiles (Washington State University) "Vampire Fiction and the Emergence of the Rest Cure"; Dr. Robert Wilson (University of Alberta) "Witnessing and complicity: Sexual crimes and wrongful accusation"; and the International CURA-Lecture (Banff Workshop); Dr. Paul Weindling (Oxford Brookes) "Sterilization Solutions: Varieties of Sterilization Policies in Twentieth-Century Europe".

Interested participants may still register until/during the conference days (June 16-23, 2011). Reduced rates for daily registration and for students are available:


Program of the retreat (Banff Centre for the Arts)
Second Meeting of the French-Russian GDRI CNRS on the history of the neurosciences :
Russian-French Links in Biology and Medicine Saint-Pétersbourg, 13-14 septembre 2011

Meeting organised by Prof. Eduard Kolchinsky – Chair of the St. Petersburg branch Institute for the history of science and technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences – and member of the Groupe de Recherche Internationale Franco-Russe du CNRS (GDRI) directed by Jean-Gaël Barbara (CNRS, CHN) and Alexander Frolov (Institute of the Higher Nervous Activity, Moscow).

4th Conference of the European Society for the History of Science
Barcelona, November18-20 2010, Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC)

Symposium S48, Circulations in the Neurosciences, coordinated & chaired by Jean-Gaël Barbara



Colloquium of the History of the Biological Sciences between France and Russia : crossed relations and histories
Official Meeting of the France-Russia Year 2010

Colloquium of the Groupe de Recherche Internationale Franco-Russe du CNRS (GDRI)– with the Russian Academy of Science – directed by Jean-Gaël Barbara (CNRS, CHN) and Alexander Frolov (Institute of the Higher Nervous Activity, Moscow). The meeting will be held on September 15-16 at the Collège de France, with the collaboration of Prof. Alain Berthoz and NPA, CNRS UMR 7102. The program will be devoted to the examination of different aspects of the French-Russian relations in biological sciences: Evolution theory, Embryology, Psychology, Neurology, Neurophysiology, Biomechanics and Neuroscience.

Motoneuron Meeting
Paris July 9-13 2010

Historical session: Paths of Discovery in Motoneuron Neurobiology, Chair: Jean-Gaël Barbara ; 1, François Clarac and Jean-Gaël Barbara: Human motor pathologies and the emergence of motoneuronal concepts ; 2, Jacques Duchateau and Roger Enoka: Extracellular recording of human motor unit discharge: origin and insights into the integrated motor system ; Douglas Stuart and Robert Brownstone: The beginning of intracellular recording in mammalian motoneurons: facts and speculations.

Jean-Gaël Barbara François Clarac
Douglas Stuart
The International meeting : From Carlo Matteucci to Giuseppe Moruzzi : two centuries of European Physiology

A satellite of the 15th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences, Italy, Villa di Corliano, (Pisa) 22-26 June 2010

Sponsoring institutions : Club d'histoire des neurosciences de la Société des Neurosciences, Paris, Galileo Museum, Firenze, International Society for the History of Neurosciences, Università di Ferrara, Università di Pavia, Sistema Museale d’Ateneo, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris), Université Diderot (Paris).

Organisation committee: Marco Piccolino, Jean-Gaël Barbara, Cesira Batini, Michel Meulders, Nicholas J. Wade.

ISHN 15th Annual Meeting
Paris, June 15th-19th 2010

This colloquium was organised by the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences and a local committee chaired by Jean-Gaël Barbara (François Clarac, Jacques Poirier, Françoise Tchang, Monique Rogard, Claude Debru, Pierre Buser). It took place at the École normale supérieure with the help of the Collectif Histoire Philosophie Sciences (Claude Debru), the neurobiology laboratory CNRS UMR 7102 (Jean Mariani) and the SPHERE CNRS UMR 7219 (David Rabouin). Special events included the visit of Dupuytren museum, the museum of the old medicine school, Charcot’s library, and a somptuous dinner at the former home of Charcot, now the Maison de l’Amérique Latine.

Preliminary announcement
Complete program and abstracts
Conférence et débat avec Kathinka Evers, Professeur au Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics de l’université d’Uppsala (Suède).Auteur de Neuroéthique, Odile Jacob, 2009.

Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 23 et 24 juin 2011, Laboratoire NPA, CNRS UMR7102, salle 501 (23 juin) et salle des thèses (niveau 1, 24 juin) organisation : Club d’histoire des neurosciences et Centre de neuroéthique et d’éthique appliquée.

9th Colloquium of the Société des Neurosciences
Satellite symposium : Famous neuroscientists from Bordeaux

May 25th 2009
Organisation : The Club for the History of the Neurosciences (JG Barbara, François Clarac, André Calas)
ISHN 14th Annual Meeting
Charleston, South Carolina, USA, June 16th-20th 2009
Call for papers
23th International Congress of History of Science and Technology : Ideas and Instruments in Social Context
Budapest, Hungary, July 28th-August 2nd 2009
Symposium S48 : Networks of Instrumentation in the Neurosciences (S-48)
Organisation : Jean-Gaël Barbara (Paris) – Cornelius Borck (Lübeck)
Symposium S48 Program
Meeting on the Pupils of Claude Bernard : long-lasting thoughts and disciplinary changes
Seminar of the chair of experimental medicine of Pierre Corvol
Collège de France, Monday March 30th 2009
11, place Marcelin Berthelot, Paris
Salle 5
-Meeting and discussion organised by the Comité pour l'histoire du CNRS : Neuroscience, its rise and questions at stake.
ENS, rue d'Ulm, salle des actes
Thursday March 13th 2008
  • Opening by André Kaspi, President of the committee.
  • Jean-Gaël Barbara, neuroscientist and historian of science, CNRS.
  • Interview of Pierre Buser by Claude Debru on his adventure in neurosciences.
  • André Holley, CNRS, the history of sense organ research at the CNRS.
Audio recordings
Third Vogt Brodmann Symposium on "One hundred years anniversary of Brodmann's map : change of concepts"
Juelich (Duesseldorf), November 27th-29th 2009

2009 Centennial anniversary of Brodmann’s monograph.

Third International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science
Vienna, September 10th-12th 2008

Session 16 Program :

Organisation : Claude Debru (École normale supérieure)

  • Jean-Gael Barbara (Institute of Neuroscience at the Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris 7 - Paris, France). British research styles in physiology and their convergence in the birth of neurophysiology
  • Cornelius Borck (Institute for the History of Science and Medicine University of Lübeck - Lübeck, Germany). Materialities of Cognition: On the Relation of Technology and Brain Theory in Twentieth-Century Neuroscience
  • Claude Debru. Styles in neurophysiological research. The case of sleep and dreaming physiology in the nineteen-sixties in France and the US
  • Jean-Claude Dupont (Université de Picardie Faculté de Philosophie, Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Amiens). A short history of sensory plasticity
  • Oleh Hornykiewicz (Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna). The dawn of the neurotransmitter replacement era in degenerative brain disease
Meerting on Claude Bernard and the Société de Biologie
Wednesday June 25th 2008, École du Val-de-Grâce
French delegation of the club for the history of the neurosciences at the annual meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences
June 18th-22nd 2008, Berlin, Harnack Hauss
  • Michel Meulders. Consonances, from Mathematics to Physiology.
  • Jean-Gaël Barbara. Torpedo Fish Research in Fessard’s School: Globalization in neurophysiology (1938-1955)
  • Francois Clarac. Albert Gombault (1844-1904), an Histologist of Charcot.
  • Claude Debru. From Time Psychophysiology to Neurophysiology.
  • Suzanne Tyč-Dumont. A Tribute to Hsiang-Tung Chang: The dendritic arborisation revisited.
  • Armelle Debru. On Galen and Ancient Greek researches on Torpedo Fish
Meeting on "Adaptation"
Paris, October 21rst 2008
Bâtiment des Grands Moulins
Salle du Campanile – 8ème étage

Organised by REHSEIS (CNRS UMR7596)

Program :

  • Karine Chemla : Introduction
  • Stéphane Schmitt. Du concept de préadaptation de L. Cuénot à celui d'exaptation chez S.J. Gould
  • Laurent Loison. La démorphologisation du concept d'adaptation chez les néolamarckiens français, d'Alfred Giard à Etienne Rabaud
  • Annick Opinel. L'emboîtement tropiques/acclimatation au XIXe siècle : un enjeu colonial ou scientifique ?
  • Victor Petit. L'adaptationnisme en sciences humaines : naissance d'un problème
  • Céline Lefève. La question de l'adaptation dans l'œuvre de Georges Canguilhem
  • Jean-Gaël Barbara. L'adaptation biologique et les neurosciences
Meeting on Russian physiologists and their relations with France in neuroscience.
April 17th-18th 2008
Meeting organised in the framework of a Franco-Russian exchange program funded by the CNRS and the Russian National Agency for Basic Research, with Elena Biryukova, Irina Sirotkina, Marat Ioffe, Alexander Frolov, Gennadii Noviko, April 16th-19th 2008.
Ramón y Cajal
8th Colloquium of the Société des Neurosciences
Montpellier, May 22nd-25th 2007

Symposium S10 on Santiago Ramón y Cajal, between Spain and France, organised by the club for the history of the neurosciences.

Seminar organised by Céline Cherici and Céline Lefève
History and philosophy of the brain : from anatomoclinical studies to moral and organic psychiatry 1730-1850.
Friday March 16th and Friday May 11th 2007
  The Russian school of physiology : Schema, Pavlov and Bekhterew.
Paris, REHSEIS, Friday January 19th 2009
Ranvier Sechenov Wundt
Bechterew Pavlov Ramón y Cajal


How to get to REHSEIS

Jean Nageotte

The French neuroanatomical school : from Louis Ranvier to René Couteaux
Paris, REHSEIS, Friday February 9th 2007

How to get to REHSEIS
Program and Poster

  Seminar organised by David Romand: Rise, triumph and decline of cognivist thought in Germany (1800-1930)
Paris, REHSEIS, October 2006 – May 2007

How to get to REHSEIS

Colloquium on the Rise of French neuroscience in the international context (1945-1975)
Paris, September 21st-23rd 2006

Organised by Claude Debru


  First meeting of the club for the history of the neurosciences
Paris, Jussieu, Thursday June 15th, 2006


Colloquium in honour of Suzanne Tyc-Dumont
Functional architecture of the brain: from dendrites to networks
Campus Joseph Aiguier, Marseille
May 4th-5th 2006

Registration and information


Second congress of the European Society of History of Science
With the participation of the SFHST
Oxford, 24th-25th 2006


  Meeting on the Philosophy of mind and brain sciences
REHSEIS, Friday March 10th 2006

Program and Information

Meeting on Alfred Fessard and the Marey Institute (1939-1960)
Paris, Jussieu, Friday December 2nd 2005


Recorded conferences

Part 1 (1h40mn)
Part 2 (43mn)
Part 3 (1h50mn)


The forbidden city

22nd International Conference for History of Science
Beijing, July 24th-30th 2005
IUHPS (International Union of History and Philosophy of Science)
DHS (Division of History of Science)



Congress of the European Society of History of Science
Maastricht, November 4th-6th 2004

Call for papers

 Château d'Abbadia

School of Epistemology of neuroscience
Hendaye, Château Abbadia
September 26th-October 2nd 2004


Notre Dame la Grande
de Poitiers
Congress of History of Sciences and Techniques
SFHST, Poitiers, May 20th-22nd 2004


Château de
Workshop on French Neurosciences
Château de Lourmarin, May 13th-14th 2004
Organised by Claude Debru (ENS)

Program and photographs



Meeting in honour of Pierre and Arlette Buser
Paris, Jussieu, Friday June 20th 2003
Organised by Jean-Gaël Barbara, André Calas, Jean Mariani

Program, abstracts, photographs

Club d'Histoire des Neurosciences (CHN) Dernière modification : 10/01/2017
Ce site est maintenu, pour le CHN, par le Service informatique de la Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Santé, Paris (BIU Santé)