The cosmetic-related trades, perfumers

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As a potentially lucrative market, the sector of health and beauty care drove the activity of various trades – and first of all, that of physicians, who, in the Ancien Régime, had a prominent position among health professionals. Apothecaries, pharmacists, grocers, herbalists, spice vendors supplied the raw materials necessary for cosmetic preparations.

It is in the field of perfumery that a profession exclusively linked to cosmetics first appeared in France. The birth of perfumers cum powder makers cum glove merchants goes far back (12th century), but the development of French perfumery was particularly perceptible in the 17th and 18th centuries. This development was notably due to the progress of hygiene in the Court, then in the middle classes, and finally among the little people of the cities, who repeatedly modeled their uses on those of the great and the good.

Jean de Renou. Les œuvres pharmaceutiques ... Lyon: Chez Antoine Gay, 1637.
BIU Santé Médecine : cote 179.
Perfumer shop. Simon Barbe. Le Parfumeur françois, qui enseigne toutes les manières de tirer les odeurs des fleurs, et de faire toutes sortes de compositions de Parfums. Avec le secret de purger le tabac en poudre, et de le parfumer de toutes sortes d’odeurs pour le divertissement de la noblesse, et l’utilité des baigneurs et perruquier. Amsterdam: Chez Paul Marret, 3e édition, s.d. [1699]
BIU Santé Pharmacie : cote 21893.


Simon Barbe. Le Parfumeur royal. Paris: Simon Augustin Daunet, 1699.

BIU Santé Pharmacie : cote RES 14233.
Perfumer dress. Engraving from: Robert de Montesquiou. Le Pays des Aromates … Paris: H. Floury, 1900.
BIU Santé Pharmacie : cote RES 119573.
"The powder". Eugène Rimmel. Le livre des parfums. Préface d’Alphonse Karr. Paris, Gand, Leipzig: Dentu, 1870.
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BIU Santé Pharmacie : cote RES 14582.
"Wigmaker" and "Bathers in steam rooms". J.E. Bertrand. Recueil de planches sur les Sciences, les Arts libéraux et les Arts méchaniques, avec leur explication ... A Paris: Chez Briasson, vol. 8, 1771.
BIU Santé Pharmacie : cote 36.