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Cote : 35597.
1ère édition
Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de pages : 194
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 I  [Page de titre]
 III  To William Burnett, M. D., one of the commissioners for the medical department of his majesty's navy
 V  Contents
 sp  Works published by the author
 [page blanche]  
 VII  Introduction
 1  A treatise on moxa. On the derivation of the word Moxa
 9  History of moxa
 22  Cases treated with moxa. Case I
 31  Case II
 34  Case III
 40  Case IV
Image : [Dispositif pour soigner le genou par la technique du moxa]
 Pl. verso  
 46  Case V
 48  Case VI
 52  Case VII
 56  Case VIII
 62  Case IX
 74  Case X
 75  Case XI
 80  Case XII
 81  Case XIII
 85  Action of moxa
 98  Observations on remedies usually employed in the treatment of diseased joints, considering them in the order in which they are most used. Cupping and leeching
 101  Blistering
 106  Setons and issues
 110  Friction
 112  Shampooing
 113  Manipulation
 115  Electricity and galvanism
 119  Observations on affections of the spine ; and the muscles which are more particularly concerned in its motions
 143  On the nature of contracted or chicken chest
 146  On the more common causes of spinal and joint diseases in infants
 151  Exercise and diet, as regards children
 156  General observations on the prevention and treatment of spinal disorders