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Lombard, Warren Plimpton.
In : The American journal of physiology, 1911-1912, Vol. 29, pp. 335-62
Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de pages : 28
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 335  In the course of experiments on the sense organs of the skin, in the physiological institute of the university of Würzburg [...]
 336  Von Kries / Von Basch / Von Recklinghausen
 337  Methods. Method of observing the blood vessels
 338  Method of applying the pressure. Method A
 339  Sources of error by method A
 345  Method B
Image : Fig. 1. Pressure chamber of Method B
 349  Sources of error by method B / Results. The appearance and nature of the superficial vessels of the human skin
Image : Fig. 2. A capillary loop in the skin at the base of the thumb nail
 353  The capillary pressures observed by method A
 356  The pressures observed by method B
 358  Vaso-dilatation caused by pressure on a nerve
 359  Is the pressure the same in all of the capillaries of a small area of the skin, for example 1 mm. square ?
 361  Conclusions