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Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de pages : 589
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 [Sans numérotation]  Democritus Junior and Librum suum
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 [Sans numérotation]  The Author's Abstract of Melancholy
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 1  Democritus junior. To the reader
 115  Lectori male feriato
 117  The synopsis of the first partition
 1  The first partition. The first section. Member. Subsection. Man's Excellency, Fall, Miseries, Infirmities ; The causes of them
 8  Subsection II. The definition, number, division of diseases
 10  Subsection III. Division of the Diseases of the Head
 11  Subsection IV. Dotage, Phrensie, Madness, Hydrophobia, Lycantropia, Chorus sancti Viti, Extasis
 16  Subsection V. Melancholy in Disposition, improperly so called. Aequivocations
 19  Section I. Member II. Subsection I. Digression of Anatomy
 20  Subsection II. Division of the Body. Humours. Spirits
 21  Subsection III. Similar parts
 23  Subsection IV. Dissimilar parts
 27  Subsection V. Of the Soul and her Faculties
 30  Subsection VI. Of the sensible Soul
 32  Subsection VII. Of the Inward Senses
 34  Subsection VIII. Of the Moving Faculty
 35  Subsection IX. Of the Rational Soul
 38  Subsection X. Of the Understanding
 40  Subsection XI. Of the Will
 42  Member III. Subsection I. Definition of Melancholy, Name, Difference
 44  Subsection II. Of the parts affected. Affection. Parties affected
 47  Subsection III. Of the matter of Melancholy
 49  Subsection IV. Of the species or kinds of Melancholy
 52  Section I. Member I. Subsection I. Causes of Melancholy. God a cause
 55  Subsection II. A Digression of the nature of Spirits, bad Angels, or Devils, and how they cause Melancholy
 77  Subsection III. Of Witches and Magicians, how they cause Melancholy
 81  Subsection IV. Stars a cause. Signs from Physiognomy, Metoposcopy, Chiromancy
 86  Subsection V. Old age a cause
 87  Subsection VI. Parents a cause by propagation
 93  Member II. Subsection I. Bad diet a cause. Substance. Quality of meats
 103  Subsection II. Quantity of Dyet a cause
 108  Subsection III. Custom of Dyet, Delight, Appetite, Necessity, how they cause or hinder
 112  Subsection IV. Retention and Evacuation a cause, and how
 116  Subsection V. Bad Air a cause of Melancholy
 121  Subsection VI. Immoderate Exercise a Cause, and how. Solitariness, Idleness
 129  Subsection VII. Sleeping and waking, Causes
 130  Member III. Subsection I. Passions and Perturbations of the Mind, how they cause Melancholy
 133  Subsection II. Of the Force of Imagination
 139  Subsection III. Division of Perturbations
 140  Subsection IV. Sorrow, a Cause of Melancholy
 142  Subsection V. Fear, a Cause
 144  Subsection VI. Shame and Disgrace, Causes
 146  Subsection VII. Envy, Malice, Hatred, Causes
 149  Subsection VIII. Aemulation, Hatred, Faction, Desire of Revenge, Causes
 152  Subsection IX. Anger, a Cause
 154  Subsection X. Discontents, Cares, Miseries, Causes
 163  Subsection XI. Concupiscible Appetites, as Desires, Ambition, Causes
 166  Subsection XII. Covetousness, a Cause
 171  Subsection XIII. Love of Gaming, &c. and Pleasures immoderate; Causes
 177  Subsection XIV. Philautia, or Self-love, Vain-glory, Praise, Honour, Immoderate Applause, Pride, over-much Joy, &c. Causes
 185  Subsection XV. Love of Learning, or overmuch Study. With a Digression of the Misery of Scholars, and why the Muses are melancholy
 212  Member IV. Subsection I. Non-necessary, remote, outward, adventitious, or accidental causes ; as first from the Nurse
 215  Subsection II. Education, a Cause of Melancholy
 218  Subsection III. Terrours and Affrights, Causes of Melancholy
 222  Subsection IV. Scoffs, Calumnies, bitter Jests, how they cause Melancholy
 227  Subsection V. Loss of Liberty, Servitude, Imprisonment, how they cause Melancholy
 229  Subsection VI. Poverty and Want, Causes of Melancholy
 241  Subsection VII. An heap of other Accidents causing Melancholy, Death of Friends, Losses, &c
 257  Member V. Subsection I. Continent, inward, antecedent, next Causes, and how the Body works on the Mind
 259  Subsection II. Distemperature of particular Parts, Causes
 261  Subsection III. Causes of Head-Melancholy
 263  Subsection IV. Causes of Hypochondriacal, or windy Melancholy
 265  Subsection V. Causes of Melancholy from the whole Body
 266  Section III. Member I. Subsection I. Symptomes, or signs of Melancholy in the Body
 269  Subsection II. Symptomes or Signes in the Mind
 282  Subsection III. Particular Symptomes from the influence of Stars ; parts of the body, and humours
 289  Subsection IV. Symptomes from education, customes, continuance of time, our condition, mixt with other diseases, by fits, inclination, &c
 294  Member II. Subsection I. Symptomes of Head-Melancholy
 296  Subsection II. Symptomes of windy Hypochondriacal Melancoly
 299  Subsection III. Symptomes of Melancholy abounding in the whole body
 300  Subsection IV. Symptomes of Maids, Nuns, and Widows Melancholy
 305  Member III. Immediate Cause of these precedent Symptomes
 315  Section IV. Member I. Prognosticks of Melancholy
 327  The synopsis of the second partition
 333  The second partition. The cure of melancholy.The first Section. Member. Subsection. Unlawful Cures rejected
 337  Member II. Lawful Cures, first from God
 340  Member III. Whether it be lawful to seek to Saints for aid in this disease
 343  Member IV. Subsection I. Physician, Patient, Physick
 346  Subsection II. Concerning the Patient
 350  Subsection III. Concerning Physick
 351  Section II. Member I. Subsection I. Dyet rectified in substance
 356  Subsection II. Dyet rectified in quantity
 360  Member II. Retention and Evacuation rectified
 365  Member III. Ayr rectified. With a digression of the Ayr
 401  Member IV. Exercise rectified of Body and Minde
 432  Member V. Waking and terrible dreams rectified
 435  Member V. Subsection I. Perturbations of the minde rectified. From himself, by resisting to the utmost, confessing his grief to a friend, &c
 442  Subsection II. Help from Friends by Counsell, Comfort, fair and foul Means, withy Devices, Satisfaction, Alteration of his Course of Life, removing Objects, &c
 449  Subsection III. Musick a remedy
 453  Subsection IV. Mirth and merry company, fair objects, remedies