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 ix  Editor's preface to the first edition vol.I
 xi  Contents
 xvii  [Préface]
 xxi  [Table des matières] Contents of the first volume
 1  Book first. Sect. I. On the complaints of pregnant women, and their diet
 5  Sect. II. On the nurse
 6  Sect. III. On the milk of the nurse
 7  Sect. IV. How to correct the bad qualities of milk
 8  Sect. V. On the management of the infant
 10  Sect. VI. On the eruptions which happen to children
 11  Sect. VII. On the cough and defluxion of infants
 12  Sect. VIII. On pruritus
 13  Sect. IX. On dentition
 14  Sect. X. On aphthae
 16  Sect. XI. On excoriations of the thighs / Sect. XII. On watery discharges from the ears / Sect. XIII. On siriasis
 18  Sect. XIV. The regimen of infancy, and the succeding ages until manhood
 19  Sect. XV. On the preparatory friction
 20  Sect. XVI. On exercises
 22  Sect. XVII. On the kinds of exercise
 28  Sect. XVIII. On the kinds of friction
 29  Sect. XIX. On vociferation, or the exercise of the voice
 30  Sect. XX. On lassitude from exercises
 33  Sect. XXI. On constriction of the skin / Sect. XXII. Of spontaneous lassitude
 36  Sect. XXIII. On the regimen of old persons
 37  Sect. XXIV. For a wrinkled state of the body
 38  Sect. XXV. To make the perspiration fragrant / Sect. XXVI. To warm the habit
 39  Sect. XXVII. For paleness / Sect. XXVIII. On lividity / Sect. XXIX. Preservatives of the teeth
 40  Sect. XXX. For dulness of hearing / Sect. XXXI. On dimness of sight
 41  Sect. On repletion
 43  Sect. XXXIII. On intoxication
 44  Sect. XXXIV. On wrong digestion of the food / Sect. XXXV. On venery
 46  Sect. XXXVI. On impotence
 47  Sect. XXXVII. On inordinate venery
 48  Sect. XXXVIII. On redundance of semen
 49  Sect. XXXIX. On persons injured by cold
 51  Sect. XL. For persons scorched by the sun / Sect. XLI. On collections of phlegm in the stomach
 52  Sect. XLII. Hox to produce easy vomiting
 54  Sect. XLIII. On laxatives and diurectics to those in health
 57  Sect. XLIV. On clysters
 58  Sect. XLV. On suppositories
 59  Sect. XLVI. On medicines which evacuate phlegm from the head, masticatories, errhines and liniments to the nose
 60  Sect. XLVII. On emmenagogues
 61  Sect. XLVIII. On sudorifics
 63  Sect. XLIX. On airs
 64  Sect. L. On waters
 67  Sect. LI. On baths
 71  Sect. LII. On the natural baths
 73  Sect. LIII. On the regimen fittinf to the different seasons
 75  Sect. LIV. On the regimen of persons actively employed
 76  Sect. LV. On the regimen of travellers
 79  Sect. LVI. On the regimen of persons on board ship
 80  Sect. LVII. On the means of diminishing obesity
 82  Sect. LVIII. How to recruit those who are emaciated
 84  Sect. LIX. How to remedy emaciated parts of the body / Sect. LX. The diagnosis of the best temperament
 85  Sect. LXI. Diagnosis of the temperaments
 87  Sect. LXII. On the form of the head / Sect. LXIII. The marks of the temperaments of the brain
 90  Sect. LXIV. The marks of the temperaments of the stomach
 93  Sect. LXV. The marks of the temperaments of the lungs
 94  Sect. LXVI. The marks of the temperaments of the heart
 98  Sect. LXVII. Diagnosis of the temperaments of the liver
 100  Sect. LXVIII. Diagnosis of the temperaments of the testicles
 101  Sect. LXIX. On the parts that are omitted / Sect. LXX. The correction of hot intemperaments of the body
 102  Sect. LXXI. The correction of cold intemperaments of the body
 103  Sect. LXXII. The cure of the dry intemperaments, of the stomach, for example ; then of the other intemperaments
 106  Sect. LXXIII. On the powers of the articles of food
 110  Sect. LXXIV. On pot-herbs
 115  Sect. LXXV. On asparagi or young shoots
 116  Sect. LXXVI. On herbs having esculent roots
 119  Sect. LXXVII. On truffles and mushrooms
 120  Sect. LXXVIII. On the frumentaceous articles of food
 125  Sect. LXXIX. On pulse
 127  Sect. LXXX. On the summer fruits
 129  Sect. LXXXI. On the fruits of trees
 138  Sect. LXXXII. On animals ; and first, of fowls
 143  Sect. LXXXIII. On eggs
 145  Sect. LXXXIV. On beasts
 149  Sect. LXXXV. On the parts of animals
 151  Sect. LXXXVI. On milk
 154  Sect. LXXXVII. On the drinking of milk
 155  Sect. LXXXVIII. On curds and whey
 156  Sect. LXXXIX. In cheese
 157  Sect. XC. On fishes
 166  Sect. XCI. On the testacea, or shell-fish
 169  Sect. XCII. On the mollusca / Sect. XCIII. On the cartilaginous fishes
 170  Sect. XCIV. On the cetacea, or large fishes
 172  Sect. XCV. On the properties of wine
 178  Sect. XCVI. On honey anf hydromel or honied water
 180  Sect. XCVII. On sleep
 181  Sect. XCVIII. On watchfulness
 183  Sect. XCIX. On somnolency / Sect. C. The epistle of Diocles on the preservation of health - Diocles to king Antigonus
 187  Book second. Sect. I. On fevers, from the works of Galen and several others
 188  Sect. II. Of the principal considerations to be inquired into with regard to febrile affections
 189  Sect. III. From Galen, what to call the commencement of the disease / Sect. IV. How to know whether the disease will prove fatal or not
 193  Sect. V. How to know if the disease will be of long duration
 194  Sect. VI. How to know if the disease will terminate by a crisis, or by resolution / Sect. VII. On critical days
 198  Sect. VIII. That critical symptoms appearing in the commencement are unfavorable / Sect. IX. How to judge beforehand of a future crisis
 199  Sect. X. How to recognize a present crisis
 201  Sect. XI. How to determine whether a past crisis be favorable
 202  Sect. XII. On the pulse, from the works of Galen
 222  Sect. XIII. On the alvine discharges
 224  Sect. XIV. On the indications from the urine
 228  Sect. XV. On the indications from the sputa
 229  Sect. XVI. The diagnosis and cure of ephemeral fevers
 235  Sect. XVII. On diagnosis of fevers from putrefaction
 237  Sect. XVIII. The cure of putrid fevers
 239  Sect. XIX. The diagnosis of tertian fevers
 241  Sect. XX. On the cure of tertian fever
 243  Sect. XXI. The cure of spurious tertians
 245  Sect. XXII. The diagnosis of quartans
 246  Sect. XXIII. The cure of quartans
 249  Sect. XXIV. The diagnosis of the quotidian
 250  Sect. XXV. The cure of quotidians
 251  Sect. XXVI. On the fever hepialus, and the rigor without heat
 253  Sect. XXVII. On the continual fevers
 256  Sect. XXVIII. The diagnosis and cure of synochous fevers
 260  Sect. XXIX. On the diagnosis of ardent fevers
 262  Sect. XXX. The cure of ardent fevers
 264  Sect. XXXI. Diagnosis and cure of fevers with an erysipelatous affection
 266  Sect. XXXII. Diagnosis of hectic fevers
 268  Sect. XXXIII. The cure of hectic fevers
 271  Sect. XXXIV. On semi-tertians
 273  Sect. XXXV. On epidemic diseases
 277  Sect. XXXVI. On the plague, from the works of Ruffus
 288  Sect. XXXVII. On the treatment of those who are seized whith syncope from crude humours
 291  Sect. XXXVIII. Of those who have fallen into syncope from thin humours
 292  Sect. XXXIX. On the other causes which occasion syncope
 296  Sect. XL. On pain
 298  Sect. XLI. On colliquative diarrhoea or melting
 299  Sect. XLII. On watchfulness in fevers
 301  Sect. XLIII. The cure of cataphora or somnolency / Sect. XLIV. The cure headach in fevers
 303  Sect. XLV. On the cure of stomach affections
 305  Sect. XLVI. On inordinate chills and rigors in fevers
 306  Sect. XLVII. On sweats
 309  Sect. XLVIII. On cough in fevers
 310  Sect. XLIX. On sneezing
 311  Sect. L. On loss of appetite
 313  Sect. LI. On bulimos, or inordinate hunger
 314  Sect. LII. On the canine appetite
 316  Sect. LIII. On thirst
 318  Sect. LIV. On the roughness of the tongue
 319  Sect. LV. On nausea
 320  Sect. LVI. On vomiting of bile
 321  Sect. LVII. On hiccough
 323  Sect. LVIII. On constipation and looseness of the bowels in fevers
 325  Sect. LIX. On trickling of blood and hemorrhage from the nose
 327  Sect. LX. On deliquium animi or swooning
 329  Sect. LXI. On the treatment of ulceration upon the os sacrum
 330  Appendix to the commentary on book second. On smallpox and measles
 [page blanche]  
 337  Book third. Sect. I. On affections of the hair, alopecia, ophiasis, and baldness
 342  Sect. II. For making the hair curled, and for dyeing it from Cleopatra
 345  Sect. III. On pityriasis
 350  Sect. IV. On headach
 355  Sect. V. On cephalaea and hemicrania
 359  Sect. VI. On phrenitis
 364  Sect. VII. On phlegmon of the brain
 365  Sect. VIII. On erysipelas of the brain
 366  Sect. IX. On lethargy
 369  Sect. X. On catochus, or coma vigil
 372  Sect. XI. On the loss of memory and of reason ; on carus and fatuity
 374  Sect. XII. On vertigo
 376  Sect. XIII. On epilepsy
 383  Sect. XIV. On melancholy, mania, and demoniacs
 388  Sect. XV. On incubus, or nightmare
 389  Sect. XVI. On Lycaon, or lycanthropia
 390  Sect. XVII. On love-sick persons
 391  Sect. XVIII. On apoplexy, and hemiplegia or paralysis
 401  Sect. XIX. On convulsions, or spasms
 403  Sect. XX. On tetanus and its varieties
 407  Sect. XXI. On tremblings
 409  Sect. XXII. On diseases of the eye ; and first of pain, from Galen
 437  Sect. XXIII. On diseases of the ear ; and first, concerning pain of it
 446  Sect. XXIV. On the affections of the nose, and of the sense of smell
 452  Sect. XXV. On affections of the face
 454  Sect. XXVI. On affections of the mouth ; and, first, of the teeth
 464  Sect. XXVII. On angina, or quinsey, and the complaints allied to it ; in which the subject of those who have been strangled or otherwise suffocated is treated of
 469  Sect. XXVIII. On coryza, catarrh, affections of the trachea, and cough
 475  Sect. XXIX. Orthopnoea, asthma, and dyspnoea
 480  Sect. XXX. On peripneumonia
 483  Sect. XXXI. On spitting of blood
 491  Sect. XXXII. On empyema and phthisis
 496  Sect. XXXIII. On pleurisy
 501  Sect. XXXIV. On affections of the heart
 504  Sect. XXXV. On affections of the breasts
 506  Sect. XXXVI. For fetid smell and sweating at the armpits
 507  Sect. XXXVII. On affections of the stomach, ot the hypochondria, and of the belly
 514  Sect. XXXVIII. On inflation of the stomach
 515  Sect. XXXIX. On cholera
 520  Sect. XL. On lientery and caeliac affection
 523  Sect. XLI. On tenesmus
 525  Sect. XLII. On dysentery
 531  Sect. XLIII. On colic affection
 538  Sect. XLIV. On ileus
 541  Sect. XLV. On affections of the kidneys and bladder ; and, first, on calculus
 560  Sect. XLVI. On the affections of the liver
 568  Sect. XLVII. On cachexia
 569  Sect. XLVIII. On dropsy
 577  Sect. XLIX. On the spleen
 580  Sect. L. On jaundice
 587  Sect. LI. On prolapsus of the navel
 588  Sect. LII. How to make the chin and pubes continue long free of hairs ; on the preservation of the genital organs ; among other things, of depilatories
 589  Sect. LIII. On bubonocele, enterocele, and hydrocele
 591  Sect. LIV. On inflammation of the testicle and scrotum, and on the other diseases of these parts
 593  Sect. LV. On gonorrhoea and libidinous dreams
 596  Sect. LVI. On satyriasis
 597  Sect. LVII. On priapism
 599  Sect. LVIII. On impotence of the parts
 600  Sect. LIX. On matters relating to the genital organs and anus
 608  Sect. LX. On affections of the uterus ; and, first, of the menstrual discharge
 609  Sect. LXI. On retention of the menses
 615  Sect. LXII. On immoderate menstruation and uterine hemorrhage
 617  Sect. LXIII. On the female flux
 620  Sect. LXIV. On inflammation of the uterus, and change of its position
 623  Sect. LXV. On access of the uterus
 624  Sect. LXVI. On ulceration of the womb
 627  Sect. LXVII. On cancer
 629  Sect. LXVIII. On scirrhus and scleroma
 630  Sect. LXIX. On the mole
 632  Sect. LXX. On inflation of the uterus
 633  Sect. LXXI. On uterine suffocation, or the hysterical convulsion
 638  Sect. LXXII. On prolapsus uteri
 640  Sect. LXXIII. On phimus in the uterus
 641  Sect. LXXIV. The cure of sterility
 645  Sect. LXXV. On fissures, condylomata, and hemorrhoids of the uterus
 646  Sect. LXXVI. On difficult labour
 652  Sect. LXXVII. On ischiatic disease
 657  Sect. LXXVIII. On gout and arthritis
 676  Sect. LXXIX. On chilblains and affections of the feet and heels
 678  Sect. LXXX. For corns and callous flesh
 679  Sect. LXXXI. On complaints about the nails ; and, first, of whitlow