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Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de pages : 661
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 [Sans numérotation]  Advertisement to the third volume
 vii  [Table des matières] Contents of the third volume. Sevenyh Book
 1  Book Seventh. Sect. I. On the temperaments of substances as indicated by their tastes
 2  Sect. II. On the order and degrees of the temperaments
 17  Sect. III. On the power of simples individually
 424  Appendix to the third section. On the substances introduced into the Materia Medica by the Arabians
 480  Sect. IV. On simple purgative medicines
 493  Sect. V. On compound purgatives
 497  Sect. VI. On the management of those who take purgative medicines ; and what is to be done to those who are not purged by a proper dose of purgatives
 499  Sect. VII. On the treatment of hypercatharsis
 500  Sect. VIII. On the antidotes called hierae
 502  Sect. IX. On liniments to be applied to the anus, and purgative applications to the navel
 503  Sect. X. On emetics, and the mode of administering hellebore
 510  Sect. XI. On the different kinds of antidotes
 528  Sect. XII. On trochisks, or troches
 536  Sect. XIII. Dry applications and abstergents (smegmata)
 541  Sect. XIV. On liniments to the mouth and throat
 544  Sect. XV. On delicious and officinal potions
 548  Sect. XVI. On collyria and agglutinative applications
 558  Sect. XVII. On plasters, and those things which are added to the boiling of them, from the works of antylus and on the proportion of wax to oil
 576  Sect. XVIII. On emollient plasters and epithemes
 581  Sect. XIX. On restorative ointments (acopa), liniments, calefacient plasters (dropaces), and sinapisms
 589  Sect. XX. Different preparations of oils and ointments
 598  Sect. XXI. On oenantharia
 599  Sect. XXII. On perfumes and cyphi
 601  Sect. XXIII. The preparation of masucha, which some call masuaphium / Sect. XXIV. On pessaries, from the works of antyllus
 604  Sect. XXV. On medicines which may be substituted for one another, from the works of galen
 609  Sect. XXVI. On weights and measures
 629  General Index