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Bertillon, Alphonse / Herbette, Louis / Spearman, E - traducteur.
Melun : administrative printing, 1887.
Cote : 46363.
Conference given at the international penitentiary congress at Rome - Meeting of 22 novembre 1885 at the palace of fine arts at Rome
Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de pages : 32
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 sn  [Page de titre]
 1  I. General explanation of the subject
 4  II. Method of procedure
 7  III. Manner of using the instruments and detail statement of the results obtained
 11  IV. Instance of a search
 14  V. Measurements as a basis for identification are more reliable than photography
 17  VI. The suppression of photographs. - Modifications introduced. - New results obtained
 20  VII. Infinite extension of the classification
 22  VIII. Answer to certain objections as to adoption of the hatters conformateur, the choice of measurements, questions of legality, etc.
 25  IX. Prison and international questions. - Conclusion
 27  Address of M. L. Herbette