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Cote : Bibliothèque de Pharmacie 5314.
Recueil factice réalisé par Gaston Guibourt
Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de pages : 378
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 [sans numérotation]  Traductions tirées de l'ouvrage de Lambert : A description of the Genus Cinchona. Avertissement
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 1  Introduction ou dissertation de Vahl sur le genre cinchona
 10  Genius Cinchona. I. Fleurs tomenteuses, étamines incluses. 1. Cinchona officinalis
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 I  [Page de faux-titre]
 III  [Page de titre : A description of the Genus Cinchona]
 V  [Dédicace]
 VII  Prefatory advertisement
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 Pl. 1  
Image : Cinchona officinalis
 15  Cinchona
 Pl. 2  
Image : Cinchona pubescens
 21  Cinchona pubescens
 22  Cinchona macrocarpa
 Pl. 3  
Image : Cinchona macrocarpa
 24  Cinchona caribaea
 Pl. 4  
Image : Cinchona caribaea
 Pl. 5  
Image : Cinchona cerymbifera
 25  Cinchona cerymbifera
 26  Cinchona lineata
 Pl. 6  
Image : Cinchona lineata
 Pl. 7  
Image : Cinchona floribunda
 27  Cinchona floribunda
 28  Cinchona brachycarpa
 Pl. 8  
Image : Cinchona brachycarpa
 Pl. 9  
Image : Cinchona angustifolia
 29  Cinchona angustifolia
 Pl. 11  
Image : Leaves of the bark tree of Tecamez
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 38  Cinchona longiflora / Cinchona spinosa
 Pl. 12  
Image : Cinchona longiflora
 Pl. 13  
Image : Cinchona spinosa
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 52  Hyaenanche globosa
 Pl. 10  
Image : Hyaenanche globosa
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 [sans numérotation]  Order of the plates
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 I  [Page de titre :] An illustration of the Genus Cinchona
 III  [Dédicace]
 IV  Contents
 V  Preface
 [sans numérotation]  [Errata]
 1  Synopsis : Specierum cinchonae generis
 2  Descriptiones specierum
 17  List of barks
 19  On the cinchona forests of South America, by A. Von Humboldt. Section I
 35  On the cinchona forests of South America, by A. Von Humboldt. Section II
 46  Characteristics of some species of cinchona. A. Cinchonae corollis tomentosis
 58  B. Cinchonae corollis glaberrimis
 60  Memoir on the different species of quinquina. By M. Laubert, chief physician to the spanish army. Cascarilla de Loxa
 62  I. Cascarilla amarilla (yellow)
 64  II. Red cascarilla
 65  III. The peruviana
 66  IV. The slender (delgada)
 67  V. The lampiña
 68  VI. Lagatijada (lizard-couloured)
 70  Calisaya
 74  Cascarilla roxa (red quinquina)
 83  Other species more or less known in Spain. Cascarilla naranjada de Santa Fe
 84  Quina blanca de Santa Fe
 85  Asmonich / Cascarilla baya (bay Cascarilla)
 86  Cascarilla amarilla de Juta
 87  Quinquinas recently discovered by Tafalla. I. Cascailla de hoja aguda
 88  II. Cascarilla negrilla / III. Cascarilla aharquillado
 89  IV. Fine cascarilla of Chicoplaya de Flor pequeña
 92  Description of the tree known in the Kingdom of Peru under the name of Quinquino, and of its bark, called quinquina, which is distinct from the quina of cascarilla. By Don Hippolito Ruiz
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 Pl.  Myroxylon peruiferum
 98  Memoir on the genuine calaguala, and two other roots, which are sent under the same name from South America. By Don Hippolito Ruiz, first botanist to his Majesty in the expedition to Peru. Preliminary notice
 99  Article I : of the culagualas commonly brougyht to Europe from South America, the origin of their use, and the clymology of their names
 105  Article II : Of the Habitats of the three species of Calaguala, their Collection, and exportation
 113  Article III : Of the virtues and uses of the genuine Calaguala ; of the other two Species admitted as such in commerce ; and of the only criterion for remedyins the Mixture of other roots with the genuine
 118  Article IV : Of the difference between the Genuine Calaguala and the other Roots with which it is confounded, and of the Reasons that exist for adopting the vulgar Names of Calaguala and Huacsaro
 120  Article V : Description of the Polypodium Calaguala, which ought to be used in medicine
 124  Explanation of the plate
Image : Polypodium Calaguala
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 125  Description of the thick calaguala, or Puntu-Punutu
 128  Description of the Calaguala mediana (the cordoncillo, or the little cord.)
 131  Memoir on the virtues and uses of the root of the plant called yallhoy, in Peru. By Don Hippolito Ruiz, first botanist to His Majesty in the expedition to Peru. Preliminary notice
 144  Descriptio botanica yallhoy class XVII. Diadelphia octandria. Monnina
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Image : Monnina potystachya
 147  Explanation of the plate
 148  Memoir on the virtues and uses of the plant called in Peru the Star-reed ; (Bejuco de la estrella). By Don Hippolito Ruiz, first botanist to His Majesty in the expedition to Peru. Preliminary notice
 161  Chemical analysis of the Star-reed
 167  Formulas ; or pharmaceutic preparations for the use of the star-reed
 173  Descriptio botanica. Classis XX. Gynandria hexandria. Aristolochia fragrantissima
 175  Description. Class XX. Gynandria Hexandria. Aristolochia fragrantissima
 176  Explanation of the plate
Image : Aristolochia Fragrantissima
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 177  An account of Valeriana Jatamansi, the spikenard of the ancients
 180  Triandra monogynia
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Image : Valeriana Jatamansi
 181  Explanation of the plate
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 1  [Page de titre : Notizie sulla nuova China di Pitayo]
 3  Sopra une nuova specie du China-China denominata pitaya. Lettera del sig. dott. G. Folchi prof. di materia medica, al chiarissimo sig. professore De Matthaeis
 9  Di alcuni esperimenti fatti con una nuova china, nelle sale di medicina in Roma. Relazione diretta nel 1835 dal professore Giuseppe De Matthaeis, a sua eminenza reverendissima il signor cardinale Tommaso Bernetti secretario di stato di sua santita
 13  Lettera sulla china du pitayo del sig. Girolamo Torres. All'onorevole sig. segretario di stato nel dipartimento dell'interno e affari esteri della repubblica della nuova granata
Image : Pitayo Cinchoan Lanceifolia
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 [sans numérotation]  [Couverture : Notices sur le nouveau quina de Pitayo]
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 1  Notices sur le nouveau quina de pitayo. Sur une nouvelle espèce de quinquina, appelé Pitayo - Lettre de Mr. le docteur G. Solchi, professeur de matière médicale, à l'illustre professeur, Mr. de Matthaeis
 Pl.  Cinchonine critallisée vue au microscope
Image : Cinchonine critallisée vue au microscope
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 14  De quelques expériences faites avec un nouveau quina dans la salle de médecine de Rouen - Rapport adressé en 1835 par le professeur Joseph de Matthaeis, à Son Em. Mr. le cardinal Tomas Bernetti, secrétaire d'État de Sa Sainteté
 [sans numérotation]  Quinidine
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 [sans numérotation]  Quinidine
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 22  Lettre de Mr. Girolamo Torrès sur le quina de Pitayo, l'honorable secrétaire d'État de l'Intérieur et des Affaires étrangères de la République de la Nouvelle Grenade