Pages |
JOUANNA, Jacques.
Cause and crisis in historians and medical writers of the classical period
3-27 |
29-47 |
DUNN, Francis.
"On ancient medicine" and its intellectual context
50-67 |
69-85 |
87-99 |
FAUSTI, Daniela.
Modelli espositivi alla prognosi nel "Corpus hippocraticum (Prorrhetico 2, Malattie 1-3; Affezioni, Affezioni interne, Prognosi di cos)"
101-115 |
The social and intellectual context of "Regimen II"
121-133 |
GORRINI, Maria Elena.
The Hippocratic impact on healing cults : the archeological evidence in Attica
135-156 |
157-171 |
173-189 |
CRAIK, Elizabeth M.
The Hippocratic treatise "Peri opsios" ("De videndi acie, on the organ of sight)
191-207 |
239-249 |
Le Blay, Frédéric.
Microcosm and macrocosm : the dual direction of analogy in Hippocratic thougth and the meteorological tradition
251-269 |
271-286 |
The way of wisdom in Plato's "Phaedrus" and in the Hippocratic corpus
287-294 |
MANETTI, Daniela.
Medici contemporanei a Ippocrate : problemi di identificazione dei medici di nome Erodico
295-313 |
315-323 |
DEBRU, Armelle.
Theophrastus'biological opuscula and the the Hippocratic corpus : a critical dialogue?
325-342 |
HANSON, Ann Ellis.
Greek Medical Papyri from the Fayum village of Tebtunis : patient involvement in a local health-care system?
387-402 |
PARDON, Muriel.
Celsus and the "Hippocratic corpus" : the originality of a "plagiarist"
403-411 |
413-432 |
YEO, In-Sok.
Hippocrates in the context of Galen : Galen's commentary on the classification of fevers in "Epidemics" VI
433-443 |
445-456 |
Autour de la connaissance du traité hippocratique "Des hémorroïdes" à l'époque byzantine
457-463 |
RÜTTEN, Thomas.
François Tissard and his 1508 edition of the Hippocratic "Oath"
465-491 |