ISHM Revue Vesalius

Soci�t� nationales




Argentinean Society for the History of Medicine (SAHIME-AMA)

The Argentinean Society for the History of Medicine (SAHIME) was founded in 1936 in Buenos Aires as a section of the Argentinean Medical Association (AMA). The activities of the society are open to all scholars who show their interest and commitment to the history of health, science and technology. The president is Prof. Dr. Jaime E. Bortz and the secretary is Dr. Amalia Bores.

During 2010, the society held its four annual regular meetings at the beautiful, stylish building of AMA in Buenos Aires. These four activities were related to present research projects on subjects such as the process of law-making on eugenic abortion, the incorporation of gymnastics as a medical resource among children, the relationship between tango and medicine and the history of the annual award for history of medicine. The society also granted this year the Biannual Award of History of Medicine.

In addition to that, SAHIME-AMA devoted year 2010 to explore the potential of the technologies of information and communication (TICs) and their application to historical studies of health, disease and healthcare institutions. To that end, the society organized two major events:

SAHIME-AMA sponsors E�, Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology. E� is a peer-reviewed periodical electronic journal in an interactive format publishing three times a year (April, August and December) papers on Medical Humanities and Social Studies of Science and Technology. The publication is presented in English and Spanish, and does accept research articles in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, reaching global impact. For more information, please click in

The society fosters actively the incorporation of undergraduate students to this academic field and is also a founding member of the Latin American Society of History of Science and Technology (SLAHCT).

For further information on SAHIME-AMA, please contact Prof. Dr. Jaime E. Bortz at

You can also contact the ISHM National delegate of Argentina : Ana Maria ROSSO, University of Buenos Aires, Avda. Santa Fe 2844 18 E, 1425 BGQ Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA) or 



La Soci�t� Belge d�Histoire de la M�decine a �t� fond�e en 1918 � Anvers. En 1920, elle organisa le premier congr�s de la Soci�t� Internationale d�Histoire de la M�decine.

Elle compte pr�s de 150 membres et est actuellement pr�sid�e par le Prof. Jean-Pierre Tricot (, avec comme secr�taire-g�n�ral le Prof. Thierry Appelboom (

La Soci�t� tient des r�unions scientifiques trois � quatre fois par an et organise des visites d�expositions ou de mus�e. Elle �dite �galement le New Yperman, journal officiel trilingue de la Soci�t� (fran�ais, n�erlandais et anglais), qui diffuse les travaux de ses membres et donne des informations sur les manifestations nationales et internationales, les cours d�histoire de la m�decine et les nouveaux ouvrages parus en histoire de la m�decine.

Tout renseignement concernant les modalit�s d'adh�sion, le programme et les dates des r�unions de la Soci�t� Belge d'Histoire de la M�decine peut �tre obtenu aupr�s de

Mme Diana Gasparon
Mus�e de la M�decine
Campus Erasme
Route de Lennik 808
B-1070 Bruxelles



La pratique de l'Histoire de la M�decine au Mexique s'est beaucoup d�velopp�e dans les derni�res ann�es.

Le centre le plus important est le D�partement d�Histoire et Philosophie de la M�decine a l'Universit� Nationale (UNAM), qui aura 50 ans l�an prochain : il y a 12 chercheurs a plein temps, et un groupe particulier d�enseignants � l'attention de 900 �tudiants chaque ann�e.

Des d�partements pour l'enseignement de notre discipline existent dans la moiti� des 87 �coles ou facult�s de m�decine dans le pays et il existe actuellement une r�glementation officielle qui exige la cr�ation des chaires d�histoire de la m�decine dans chacune d�entre elle.

Il y a �galement des centres de recherche :

Il existe aussi une Soci�t� Nationale d'Histoire et Philosophie de la M�decine, avec 4 soci�t�s associ�es, et 2 journaux :

Carlos Viesca D�l�gu� national du Mexique Juin 2005




Fond�e en 1992, l�Association Marocaine d�Histoire de la M�decine organise des r�unions annuelles. A titre d�illustration, voici les th�mes des r�unions qui se sont tenues au cours des derni�res ann�es :

Pour tout renseignements concernant l�AMHM, les r�unions annuelles et les diff�rentes publications, veuillez contacter son pr�sident � l�adresse suivante :

Dr Mustapha AKHMISSE
Association Marocaine d�Histoire de la M�decine
7, rue Tizi Ntikka
Hay El Hana Longchamps
20200 Casablanca, MAROC
T�l-Fax : + 212-22-49-10-85
E-mail :




La Soci�t� Roumaine d�Histoire de la M�decine a �t� fond�e au 14 Septembre 1929 � Bucarest, � l�initiative du Dr. V. Gomoiu (le premier sp�cialiste roumain dans l�histoire de la m�decine). Elle est affili�e � SIHM depuis sa cr�ation et a organis� deux Congr�s Internationaux d�Histoire de la M�decine � Bucarest :

Cette Soci�t� organise des r�unions nationales annuelles, prenant place dans les diff�rentes villes du pays. La prochaine (qui sera la 35e) aura lieu � Suceava, entre le 19-20 Juin 2003.

En outre, depuis 1990, un Congr�s National d�Histoire de la M�decine est organis� tous les cinq ans environ. Le dernier s�est d�roul� en Juin 2002 et a port� sur le th�me suivant : Historique de l��thique biom�dicale en Roumanie.

En 2004 nous allons c�l�brer 75 ans d�existence de la Soci�t� Roumaine d�Histoire de la M�decine.

En 2007, le prochain Congr�s National d�Histoire de la M�decine aura pour th�me : La m�decine roumaine � une m�decine europ�enne � vue historique.

Le Pr�sident de la Soci�t� Roumaine d�Histoire de la M�decine est actuellement le Prof. Dr. Nicolae MARCU qui est en m�me temps le chef du D�partement d�Histoire de la M�decine et �thique Biom�dicale � l�Universit� de M�decine et Pharmacie Carol Davilla, de Bucarest.

Pour tout renseignement :

Dr Nicolae MARCU
Catedra de Istoria medicinei si Etica
Str. Valea Calug�reasc� 3,
Bloc D4, sc H,etaj III, Ap 78




The Finnish Medico Historical Society was founded in 1961 on the initiative of Professor Gunnar Soininen. Representatives of medicine, odontology, veterinary medicine, health care and pharmacy have joined the society since the very outset. The Society aims at furthering the interest in and research on the history of medicine, as well as at collecting objects which throw light upon former developments within these fields. The Museum for Medical History, which was opened in 1970, received valuable support from the Society in acquiring objects for its collections and in its actual foundation.

The Society is a member of the Federation of Finnish Scientific Societies and works like other member societies. Since 1984 the society has published a yearbook, Hippokrates. The Scandinavian and international activities of the Society take place in form of publication exchanges and attending congresses.

The Society has a membership of over 400, comprising physicians, nurses, dentists, veterinarians and pharmacists. Additionally, representatives of the humanities are members of the Society.

Chairman of the Society is Professor Ilkka ALITALO.

Activities : The Society arranges meetings with scientific papers on topics within different fields and excursions to places of historical and cultural interest.

WEB site :

Further information about the Society can be obtained from the secretary:
Lic. Phil. Hindrik STRANDBERG,
Finnish Med�co Historical Society,
POB. 2, FIN 00561 Helsinki, FINLAND


Founded in 1979
Membership : 117
Working language : Finnish
Area of activity: South Western Finland
Forms of activity : 3 meetings a year

Chairman : Doctor Matti DAHL, Puolalanpuisto 4 a A, 20100 Turku, FINLAND

Secretary : Doctor EIla IISALO, Takamaantie 74, 20810 Turku, FINLAND.

Activities in 2003


Founded in 2000. Area covered: Eastern Finland (i.e. the responsibility area of the Kuopio University Hospital). Number of the members: 31 personal members and one contributing member (a society)

Meetings : The annual meeting in February and the second in the fall in October.

Activities : According to its rules, the aims of the Society are to promote knowledge, research and teaching of medicine, odontology, pharmacy, nursing and veterinary science. For realization of the aims, the Society collects all kinds of material on these fields and arranges meetings. The society is working closely with the Hospital Museum owned by the Kuopio University Hospital and the Kuopio University. In addition to the arranged meetings with the interesting historical lectures, the Society has brought to light the old, forgotten plant garden of the first pharmacy of Eastern Finland and made efforts to build on the same place a new garden with medical herbs. Secondly, the young Society has begun to collect personal memories and all kinds of other material concerning activities of the Kuopio military hospital of the World War Il.

Chairman: Professor Juhani K�RJ�, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Secretary: Kirsti DEMENTJEFF, Administrative Head Nurse

Address of the Society:
Medico-Historical Society of Eastern Finland
Lakkapolku 2 E, 702080 Kuopio, FINLAND
E-mail :




The Greek Society for the History of Medicine (including the societies for the study of Medical Philosophy and Sociology) is indisputably our formal national body and the main vehicle for exchanging views and ideas on the subject in a friendly atmosphere. It includes the overall majority of Greek medico-historians and the highlight of its activity is its Annual Meeting each May in Athens. The event takes place at the Hilton Hotel during the Pan-Hellenic Medical Congress, which incorporates the meetings of all medical societies in Greece, and runs under the aegis of Athens Medical Society. During this five-hour medico-historical event two or three main lectures are delivered, there are several short oral communications and many posters are exhibited, followed by a brief presentation. A lively discussion follows.


Apart from the Greek Society for the History of Medicine, there is a cluster of smaller groups that are usually formed around a few enthusiastic medico-historians holding university posts and/or pursuing specific interests. The later include the founding of museums of the History of Medicine, the organization of relevant libraries and the promotion of the historical study of particular specialties and areas. A list includes :

1. The Hippocratic Foundation of Cos
The Foundation was extremely active in the field of the History of Medicine and I am sure everyone remembers the very successful meeting of ISHM organized there by Professor S. Marketos. However, after the end of his term as Chairman of the Foundation we notice a decrease of its activities.

2. The Club of the Friends of The Medical Museum.
It is situated in Athens, with some of its members living in the provinces. Although its original purpose was, and still is, to promote the establishment of the homonymous museum in Athens, it has recently been active in the publication of Deltos, a medico-historical journal.

3. The Chair of the History of Medicine
The Chair of the History of Medicine in Ioannina runs a recently established Museum, holding � in between other exhibits � a large collection of antique and modern icons of medico-religious interest.

4. The Society for the History of Sciences
This Society is situated in Athens and the medico-historical branch of its activities is mainly orientated towards the study of medical writers of the Greek Enlightenment during the 18th/19th centuries.

5. The Medical School of the University of Crete
Although it lacks a Chair of the History of Medicine, the Medical School of the University of Crete has established, via the efforts of an affiliated medical historian, a small collection of Minoan and post-Minoan artifacts of relevant interest.

6. The School of Pharmaceutics of the University of Athens
This School incorporates a Department on the History of its subject. The scholars there run a program supported by the EU aiming to enlist all the Materia Medica in Greece.

7. The Greek Society of Medical Writers
It is the national branch of the UNEM (Union Mondiale des Ecrivains Medecins) hosts medical doctors who are also novelists, poets, fiction or theater writers etc. There is a strong element of historical interest in that group, which, due to the people involved, is mainly oriented towards the history of Ophthalmology.

8. The Museum of the History of Medicine, in Patras
This museum was established legally a few years ago, and a great section of the fine neoclassical building of the old Saint Andrew�s Hospital was allocated to it. However, due to everlasting bureaucracy the museum is not operating properly yet. For the present, its main belongings, a big collection of old medical books from the 18th to the 20th century are satisfactorily catalogued and displayed in a sector of the New Saint Andrew�s Hospital. In the same hospital, a group of medical historians are actively promoting the study of the History of Nephrology. Many relevant articles have been published a 600-page book on the History of Ancient and Byzantine Greek Nephrology that was issued three years ago.

9. The Louros and Geroulanos Foundations
These foundations, located in Athens, aim to promote the study of the History of Medicine by several means, albeit at the present their main activity is the award of biannual prizes to relevant books and essays.

10. Historical studies of Nephrology
The historical studies of Nephrology in specific are actively promoted, with Prof. S. Marketos being the current President of the International Society for the History of Nephrology, and Ass. Prof. A. Diamandopoulos is sitting at the Board.

For any information about these different societies, you can contact :

Professor Athanasios Diamandopoulos,
Romanou Village, Patras, 26 500, GREECE
Tel. + 2610 641 364 (home), + 2610 227 951 (office)





The Society organizes the biennial National Medical History Congresses.

The Society organizes monthly lectures on medical history.

Supprimer : President of the Society : Prof. Dr. Nil Sari Secretary : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Basagaoglu ( )

Et mettre � la place :

Address :

Turk Tip Tarihi Kurumu
Cerrahpasa Tip Fakultesi
Deontoloji Ana Bilim Dali

Tel. and fax :
0212 529 03 64
0212 586 15 09

President of the Society (and ISHM national delegate) :
Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine
Department of History of Medicine and Ethics
Bursa, TURKEY 

The 8th national congress is going to be held in Divrigi in 2004. A special exhibition is also being prepared for the occasion.

The society publishes a bulletin twice a year. List of publications :



The first chilean society of History of Medicine was founded in 1955 by professor Enrique Laval, MD and the dean Alejandro Garreton, MD. The society encompasses some 30 members and edited a journal "Anales Chilenos de Historia de la Medicina", wich was published between 1959 and 1973 and discontinued after the death of both founders. Also a museum and historic library were founded in a building of the National Health Service in Macul avenue in Santiago. In 1988 the Museum was closed and was transferred to the University of Chile school of Medicine and merged with historic artefacts of the Faculty of Medicine and the ancient Hospital San Vicente... Consequently the University of Chile founded a united "Museo Nacional de Medicina" in the new building of Independence avenue. A full description of the new Museum by R.Cruz-Cole, MD, was published in Revista Medica de Chile, Vol 117;1073-1078, 1989.

Today the Chilean medical historians are grouped in the historic commission of the Academia Chilena de Medicina, founded in 1964 with some 40 active members. The papers are published currently in the Revista medica de Chile. Every three years a national conferences is held. The "Jornadas de historia de la medicina" the fifth Jornadas was held in October 2002 and attended by 30 participants with 18 papers dealing with classical and national subjects on History of Medicine. The editors of these Proceedings were Professors Alecsandar Goic, MD. And Ricardo Cruz-Coke,MD.

Only a few medical academicians have been members of the I.S.H.M-. The late Professor Claudio Costa Casaretto,M.D. (1914-1998), studied in Rome in 1954 with Professor Alberto Pazzini and attended a Congress of ISHM.The late Ramon Campbell Batista (1911-1999), attended the Congress in Kos in 1996. The remaining members are academicians Professors Camilo Larrain, Benedicto Chuiaqui, Sergio Puente and Ricardo Cruz-Coke who have attended the last Congresses.

Ricardo Cruz-Coke,MD
Director Museo Nacional de Medicina
May 13,2003



La Soci�t� Fran�aise d'Histoire de la M�decine, fond�e en 1902, a son si�ge au 12 rue de l'Ecole de m�decine, 75006 Paris.

Elle a pour but :

Elle se r�unit environ huit fois par an � Paris (samedi apr�s-midi) et organise en outre une sortie annuelle dans une ville de province ou � l'�tranger, ainsi que des colloques � th�me.
Elle publie une revue, Histoire des Sciences m�dicales, qui para�t quatre fois par an.

Pour plus d�information : 



Soci�t� britannique d'histoire de la m�decine

La Soci�t� britannique d'histoire de la m�decine a �t� cr��e en 1965 avec un certain nombre de soci�t�s affili�es. La soci�t� n'a pas d'adh�sion individuelle directe : l�appartenance � l�une des soci�t�s affili�es en rend l�adh�sion automatique. Ses objectifs sont d'organiser un congr�s tous les deux ans, en alternance avec une conf�rence biennale, en vue de repr�senter le Royaume-Uni dans la Soci�t� Internationale d'Histoire de la M�decine et d�encourager l'�tude, l'enseignement et la recherche en histoire de la m�decine.

Le site propose des liens vers la liste des membres du bureau, les �v�nements � venir et toute une s�rie d'informations sur les activit�s de la soci�t� et des soci�t�s affili�es.

Soci�t�s affili�es

cf. coordonn�es sur