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Articles from the Lettres des Neurosciences | Articles from the members of the club | Special issues – New books
Articles from neuroscientists | Bibliography and digital libraries

Articles from the Lettre des Neurosciences


n° 53 Aut-hiv 2017 La maladie de Parkinson : histoire et valeur heuristique d’une maladie Jean-Claude Dupont
n° 52 Pri-été 2017 Histoire de la neuroscécrétion André Calas, Andrée Tixier-Vidal
n° 51 Aut-hiv 2016 René Couteaux & la cytologie de la synapse Neuromusculaire Jacques Taxi et Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 50 Pri-été 2016 Histoire des recherches sur l’odorat André Holley
n° 49 Aut-hiv 2015 Histoire de la douleur Marie-Thérèse Cousin, Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 48 Pri-été 2015 Historique de l’hypnose Jean Becchio, Bruno Suarez
n° 47 Aut-hiv 2014 Vincenzo Malacarne Céline Cherici
n° 46 Pri-été 2014 Un siècle après Babinski, faut-il toujours parler d’anosognosie ? Fausto Viader
n° 45 Aut-hiv 2013 L’œuvre scientifique de Jean Nageotte Jacques Taxi, Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 44 Pri-été 2013 Histoire récente des récepteurs aux neurotransmetteurs Jean-Marie Zajac
n° 43 Aut-hiv 2012 Mémoire et cerveau dans l’antiquité et au moyen-âge Joël Chandelier
n° 42 Pri-été 2012 Les élèves de Claude Bernard Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 41 Aut-hiv 2011 La neurophysiologie française entre Est et Ouest: héritage pavlovien et cybernétique Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 40 Pri-été 2011 Fragments de médecine médiévale en langues arabe et persane : le système nerveux et sa continuité historique Mehrnaz Katouzian-Safadi
n° 39 Aut-hiv 2010 Ivan Assenmacher, un pionnier de la Neuroendocrinologie Andrée Tixier-Vidal,
avec la participation d’André Calas
n° 38 Pri-été 2010 Les activités motrices de la moelle épinière, du XIXe siècle à l’orée du XXe siècle François Clarac
n° 37 Aut-hiv 2009 Théorie de la transmission nerveuse à la plaque motrice d’Alfred Vulpian Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 36 Pri-été 2009 Le syndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff : un premier pas vers l’anatomie de la mémoire Jean-Claude Dupont
n° 35 Aut-hiv 2008 Histoire du Neurone... Les techniques de l’Histoire Stéphane Gaillard
n° 34 Pri-été 2008 L’école de la Salpêtrière, Charcot, Vulpian, et leurs élèves Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 33 Aut-hiv 2007 Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934) et la France Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 32 Pri-été 2007 L'expérimentation sur le cerveau et le système nerveux dans l'Antiquité Armelle Debru
n° 31 Aut-Hiv2006 Mais qui était Monsieur François Pourfour Du Petit (1664-1741) ? Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 30 Pri-été 2006 Fallait-il ignorer l'hypothèse non-vésiculaire de la neurotransmission ? Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 29 Aut-hiv 2005 Les heures sombres de la neurophysiologie à Paris (1909-1939) Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 28 Pri-été 2005 Les étranglements annulaires de Louis Ranvier (1871) Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 27 Aut-hiv 2004 L’Institut Marey (1947-1978) Jean-Gaël Barbara
n° 26 Pri-été 2004 Les vertus thérapeutiques de la stimulation électrique à haute fréquence AL Benabid
n° 25 Aut-hiv 2003 L’effet de la glycine sur les récepteurs NMDA Philippe Ascher
n° 24 Pri-été 2003 Dynamique des circuits et codes olfactifs Gilles Laurent
n° 23 Aut-hiv 2002 Le récepteur D3 de la dopamine : une nouvelle cible thérapeutique Pierre Sokoloff
n° 22 Pri-été 2002 Les neuroleptiques Jean Costentin
n° 21 Aut-hiv 2001 À la découverte du récepteur de l’acétylcholine Jean-Pierre Changeux

Past issues (14-26)

Articles from the members of the club


Philippe Anglade,
Yamina Larabi-Godinot, Shigeru Tsuji
Electron Transfers and Holographic Molecules: Why Neuroscientists Should Take Quantum Phenomena into Consideration
Philippe Anglade,
Yamina Larabi-Godinot
Historical landmarks in the histochemistry of the cholinergic synapse : perspectives for future researches
Jean-Gaël Barbara Louis Antoine Ranvier (1835-1922)
The physiological construction of the neurone concept (1891–1952)
Claude Bernard et la question du curare : enjeux épistémologiques
Conférence du congrès de la Société Européenne d'Histoire des Sciences, Maastricht, Octobre 2004
Conférence de la 22ème International Conference for History of Science, IUHPS/DHS, Beijing, 24 au 30 Juillet 2005
L’Institut Marey (1947-1978)
Les étranglements annulaires de Louis Ranvier (1871)
Les heures sombres de la neurophysiologie à Paris (1909-1939)
Fallait-il ignorer l'hypothèse non-vésiculaire de la neurotransmission ?
Mais qui était Monsieur François Pourfour Du Petit (1664-1741) ?
Louis Antoine Ranvier (1835-1922)
Conférence du colloque international de la European Society for the History of Science et la Société Française d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques
The physiological construction of the neurone concept (1891–1952)
Louis Ranvier (1835-1922) : the contribution of microscopy to physiology, and the renewal of French general anatomy
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934) et la France
Alfred Fessard : regard critique sur la cybernétique
Auguste Chauveau (1827-1917) et l’essor de l’énergétique dans la physiologie française au tournant du siècle
L’étude du vivant chez Georges Canguilhem : des concepts aux objets biologiques
Relations Médecine-Sciences dans l’individualisation des maladies à la Salpêtrière à la fin du XIXe siècle
Claude Bernard et la question du curare : Enjeux épistémologiques
Biological generality : General anatomy from Xavier Bichat to Louis Ranvier
L’adaptation biologique et les neurosciences
French neurophysiology between East and West: polemics on Pavlovian heritage and reception of Cybernetics
Auguste Comte et la physiologie cérébrale de son temps
Edgar Douglas Adrian et la neurophysiologie en France autour de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
La controverse Cajal – Golgi : Stockholm, 1906
Le réseau des boursiers français physiologistes du système nerveux de la Fondation Rockefeller (1920-1960) - Communication donnée à la 4ème Conférence de la European Society for the History of Science, Barcelone, 18-20 novembre 2010
Ouvrir le corps des fous et des criminels : science et enjeux philosophiques d’hier et d’aujourd’hui - Communication donnée au Colloque « Crime et folie » à la Fondation des Treilles, 1 au 6 novembre 2010, organisé par Laura Bossi
Pierre Blanquet New Issue to Modeling Intentionality in the Field of Consciousness
Advances in Interdisciplinary Researches to Construct a Theory of Consciousness
Laura Bossi L’âme électrique
Céline Cherici Vincenzo Malacarne (1744–1816): a researcher in neurophysiology between anatomophysiology and electrical physiology of the human brain
François Clarac Avec Jean Massion et Allan M. Smith. Duchenne, Charcot and Babinski, three neurologists of La Salpêtrière Hospital, and their contribution to concepts of the central organization
Des réflexes aux réseaux neuronaux
What do reflex and voluntary mean ? Modern views on an ancient debate
Armelle Debru The power of torpedo fish as a pathological model to the understanding of nervous transmission in Antiquity
Claude Debru Helmholtz and the Psychophysiology of Time
Time, from psychology to neurophysiology. A historical view
Edgar Douglas Adrian et la neurophysiologie en France autour de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Jean-Claude Dupont Eléments d’histoire de la neurotransmission
L’activité réflexe, ou le cerveau entre neurochimie et électrophysiologie
Some historical difficulties of the cholinergic transmission
Francis Eustache Sergueï Sergueïevitch Korsakoff (1854-1900) : le savant, le penseur, le psychiatre, l’humaniste
Yves Galifret Visual persistence and cinema
Laurence Garey Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1918)
Wilfrid Le Gros Clark: Anatomist, anthropologist and neuroscientist
André Holley Brève histoire des études sensorielles en France depuis 1945
Elias Karroum La description du syndrome des jambes sans repos par deux médecins français des XVIIIème et XIXème siècles
Jean-Claude Lecas Behaviourism and the mechanization of the mind
Marjorie Lorch Singing by Speechless (Aphasic) Children : Victorian Medical Observations
Jacques Paillard Intelligence artificielle et neurosciences
André Parent Franciscus Sylvius on Clinical Teaching, Iatrochemistry and Brain Anatomy
Louis Pierre Gratiolet (1815-1865) and his contribution to the study of Cerebral Convolutions in Primates
Substantia Nigra and Parkinson’s Disease: A Brief History of Their Long and Intimate Relationship
Franciscus Sylvius on Clinical Teaching, Iatrochemistry and Brain Anatomy
Émile Zola : entre génie et folie
The History of the Basal Ganglia: The Nuclei
The History of the Basal Ganglia: The Contribution of Karl Friedrich Burdach
Giovanni Aldini : From Animal Electricity to Human Brain Stimulation
Duchenne De Boulogne : A Pioneer in Neurology and Medical Photography
Auguste Forel on Ants and Neurology
Jules Bernard Luys : A Singular Figure of 19th Century Neurology
Félix Vicq d’Azyr : Anatomy, Medicine and Revolution
Marco Piccolino Luigi Galvani’s path to animal electricity
Jacques Poirier Jules Dejerine, professeur d’histoire de la médecine
Henri Parinaud (1844-1905), pionnier de l’ophtalmologie française
Edouard Brissaud, grande figure du 19e siècle
L’autre Babinski
Babinski, histologist and anatomo-pathologist
Joseph Babinski : une personnalité complexe
Andrée Tixier-Vidal De la théorie cellulaire à la théorie neuronale
Mario Wiesendanger Constantin von Monakow (1853–1930) : A pioneer in interdisciplinary brain research and a humanist
Olivier Walusinski L’illusion scientifique de Victor Burq (1822-1884)
Disciples méconnus de Jean-Étienne Esquirol : Jean-Baptiste Delaye (1789-1878), André-Pamphile Rech (1793-1853), Antoine-Marie Chambeyron (1797-1851)
Neurology and Neurologists during the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871)
French Neurologists during World War I
Jean-André Rochoux (1787-1852) : un médecin philosophe à l’aube de la neurologie vasculaire
Joseph Jumentié (1879-1928)
Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–1893): A Treatment Approach Gone Astray?
Georges Moreau (1848-1901) dit « Georges Moreau de Tours », un peintre au service de la saga familiale
Antoine-Marie Chambeyron (1797-1851): A forgotten disciple of Jean-Etienne Esquirol (1772-1840)
Un manuscrit de 1903 ressuscité : « Des troubles cérébraux dans la sclérose en plaques » Raymond Cestan (1872-1933) et Claudien Philippe (1866-1903)
Georges Gilles de la Tourette (1857-1904). L’homme intime révélé par des archives inédites
Jacques Étienne Belhomme (1800-1880). Pionnier de la pédo-psychiatrie et neuro-anatomiste oublié
Le signe de Lhermitte ou histoire d’un éponyme neurologique
Alfred Vulpian and Jean-Martin Charcot in Each Other’s Shadow? From Castor and Pollux at La Salpêtrière to Neurology Forever
Observation of a nervous disease attended by disturbed sleep, at times lethargic and at times convulsive. Edmé Chauvot de Beauchêne (1786)
Does Beauchêne describe the first case of a Kleine-Levin syndrome ?
Histoire des connaissances sur le bâillement
Crime, Hysteria and Belle Époque Hypnotism : The Path Traced by Jean-Martin Charcot and Georges Gilles de la Tourette
Yawning in Diseases
Antoine Ritti (1844-1920), aliéniste oublié, concepteur novateur de la physio-pathologie des hallucinations
Marcel Proust and Paul Sollier: the involuntary memory connection
À la recherche du neuropsychiatre perdu : Paul Sollier (1861-1933)
Keeping the fire Georges Gilles de la Tourette, Paul Richer, Charles Féré, Alfred Binet

Please contact members for more papers

Special issues
New books


Revue neurologique, organe officiel de la Société Française de Neurologie,
Tome 168, janvier 2012,
Trois articles : Figures and institutions of the neurological sciences in Paris from 1800 to 1950
Brain Research
Numéro Spécial, 2011, n°1409.
Paths of discovery in motoneuron neurobiology,
n°1409, 1-2

Historical concepts on the relations between nerves and muscles.
Brain Research, 2011, n°1409, 3-22. Jean-Gaël Barbara, François Clarac

The emergence of the “motoneuron concept”: From the early 19th C to the beginning of the 20th C.
Brain Research, 2011, n°1409, 23-41.
François Clarac, Jean-Gaël Barbara

Human motor unit recordings: Origins and insight into the integrated motor system.
Brain Research, 2011, n°1409, 42-61. Jacques Duchateau, Roger M. Enoka

The beginning of intracellular recording in spinal neurons: Facts, reflections, and speculations.
Brain Research, 2011, n°1409, 62-92. Douglas G. Stuart, Robert M. Brownstone

Whither motoneurons ?
Brain Research, 2011, n°1409, 93-103.
Robert M. Brownstone, Douglas G. Stuart

Following Charcot :
A forgotten History of Neurology and Psychiatry
Frontiers in neurology and neurosciences
vol. 29, Bâles, Karger, 2011, broché, 207 pages.
J. Bogousslavsky



Volume collectif du programme GDRI sur les relations franco-russes dans les neurosciences
History of the neurosciences in France and Russia, Hermann, 2010
Jean-Gaël Barbara, Jean-Claude Dupont, Irina Sirotkina


Les génies de la science. Charcot.
À la conquête du cerveau.
n° 37, novembre 2008 - janvier 2009
Jean-Claude Dupont

With Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard, Jean-Martin Charcot is one of the most brilliant figure of biological sciences in the XIXth century. However, his field of research is opposite to the theory of Pasteur and to experimental physiology. Charcit’s revolution is slow, it aims to preserve the old medical knowledge from former physicians. The work of Charcot are built on the anatomoclinnical method : when he was a physician, he decided to study man and his limits. With his contribution, rheumatology, internal medicine and the diseases of aging patients come to light and make Charcot famous, neurology gives him an international recognition : Charcot describes many neurological entities such as lateral amyotrophic sclerosis, Parkison disease, epilepsy, cerebral localisations of motor actions… Before him, the study of nervous diseases was only starting, despite the work by alienists. With Charcot, this field becomes more friendly. Charcot becomes the figure of the educated physician in the XIXth century, as in the novels by Zola, Maupassant or Tolstoï. Charcot is aware of this and he contributes to it. Hysteria gives him a mixed recognition : scientific, opening the path to the psychic determinism of neurosis (Freud), but also in society, with quarrels and polemics.

  • Itinary of an ambitious physician
  • “Open a few bodies”
  • The hospice de la Veillesse-Femmes
  • The foundation of neurology
  • The brain according to Charcot
  • From neurology tp hysteria
  • To the doors of conscioussness
  • The image and the proof
  • Charcot as a therapist
  • The Heritage
  • Bibliography
Journal for the history of the CNRS
Issue 19, Spring 2008

A thematic issue on neurosciences appeared in 2008 in the journal for the history of the CNRS (Issue 19, Spring 2008). The volume includes an interview of Denise Albe-Fessard, Robert Naquet and Pierre Buser by the committee for the history of the CNRS (André Kaspi) et fives papers : Alfred Fessard by Jean-Gaël Barbara, Antoine Rémond by Céline Cherici and Jean-Gaël Barbara, L’INP (Institut de neurophysiologie et psychophysiologie) by François Clarac and Jean Massion, l’Institut de neurobiologie in Gif-sur-Yvette by Jacques Stinnakre, and l’Institut des Neurosciences du quai Saint Bernard by Pierre Buser et André Calas.


Les querelles du cerveau / Debating brain issues
How neuroscience was born ?
Céline Cherici, Jean-Claude Dupont, dir
Vuibert, 2008
Petite encyclopédie historique des neurosciences / Small Encyclopedia of Neuroscience
From neurone to mind
François Clarac, Jean-Pierre Ternaux
De Boeck, 2008
L’essor des neurosciences : France 1945-1975 / The rise of Neuroscience in France (1945-1975)
Claude Debru, Jean Gaël Barbara, Céline Cherici, dir.
Ed. Hermann, 2008

From the molecular level to cognition and consciousness, brain sciences brought crucial ideas in the understanding of man under various aspects. This study focusing on the rise of neuroscience is based on the French case in the international context. It describes the paths to neuroscience since the Second World War to the present state of knowledge. The authors, neurobiologists commenting on their own works, philosophers and historians of science, present the rise of neuroscience in the “trente glorieuses” following the war which laid the basis of this field. They describe the difficulties and the promises of interdisciplinarity, the evolving philosophical framework favouring a more integrative perspective of the human brain, together with a less reductionist approach of consciousness in man and animals. Finally, they show how scientists organised their community internationally confronting the dominant oppositions between the political systems of the East and the West.

  • The Marey Institute/ P. Buser, J. Glowinski, A. Mallart, H. Korn
  • Cellular and molecular neurophysiology / C. Bange, F. Clarac, S. Tyc-Dumont, P. Ascher, J-P. Changeux
  • Neurophysiology and psychophysiology / Y. Galifret, V. Bloch, M. Jeannerod, A. Berthoz
  • Integrative approaches in neuroscience/ P. Buser, J-G. Barbara, D. Romand, M. Jouvet
  • Neurobiology and medicine/ R. Guillemin, I. Assenmacher, A.Tixier-Vidal, P.Karli, C. Cherici, C. Cepeda, H. Korn, F.Clarac, J.Massion, B. Bioulac, J-N Missa
  • Centre-periphery issues in building neuroscience in France/ A. Holley, Cl. Debru, Y. Laporte, A. Calas
  • International relations/ M. Wiesendanger , M. Meulders, M. Piccolino, H. Korn, P. Buser
Special Issue of the Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences
“Biologies" of the French Academy of Sciences

The history of neuroscience

Issue 329, 5-6, 297-464 (May-June 2006)
Eds J.-G. Barbara, C. Debru and P. Buser

Facets of the history of the neurosciences

Ask for pdf requests
  • EDITORIAL Jean-Gaël Barbara, Claude Debru and Pierre Buser
  • The power of torpedo fish as a pathological model to the understanding of nervous transmission in Antiquity by Armelle Debru
  • Luigi Galvani's path to animal electricity by Marco Piccolino
  • Vincenzo Malacarne (1744–1816): a researcher in neurophysiology between anatomophysiology and electrical physiology of the human brain by Céline Cherici
  • Time, from psychology to neurophysiology. A historical view by Claude Debru
  • Emil du Bois-Reymond vs Ludimar Hermann by Gabriel Finkelstein
  • Science and craftsmanship : The art of experiment and instrument making by Sven Dierig
  • The origin of voluntary action. History of a physiological concept by Marc Jeannerod
  • Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard. An eventful life and a significant contribution to the study of the nervous system by Yves Laporte
  • Visual persistence and cinema ? by Yves Galifret
  • Behaviourism and the mechanization of the mind by Jean-Claude Lecas
  • Slowly forgetting the Pavlovian adventure ? by Pierre Buser
  • Constantin von Monakow (1853–1930) : A pioneer in interdisciplinary brain research and a humanist by Mario Wiesendanger
  • Henry Dale and the discovery of acetylcholine by E.M. Tansey
  • Some historical difficulties of the cholinergic transmission by Jean-Claude Dupont
  • The physiological construction of the neurone concept (1891–1952) by Jean-Gaël Barbara
  • Between local cultures and national styles: Units of analysis in the history of electroencephalography by Cornelius Borck
  • The neurobiology of aggressive behaviour by Pierre Karli

Articles by neuroscientists


Robert Naquet Les épilepsies / epilepsies
R. W. Guillery Early electron microscopic observations of synaptic structures in the cerebral cortex: a view of the contributions made by George Gray (1924–1999)
Marco Piccolino The bicentennial of the Voltaic battery (1800–2000): the artificial electric organ
Sparking off the Enlightenment
Fifty years of the Hodgkin–Huxley era
Victor P. Whittaker Arcachon and cholinergic transmission
R. W. Guillery Observations of synaptic structures: origins of the neuron doctrine andcurrent status
David Curtis Life in Eccles. Laboratory
Biophysical Properties of Motoneurones and Ionic Mechanism of Central Synaptic Transmission
Organization of Spinal Excitatory and Inhibitory Pathways
Presynaptic Inhibition and Transmission in the Somatosensory Pathway
Excitation and Inhibition in Hippocampal and Cerebellar Cortices
Identification of Central Amino Acid Neurotransmitters
Caryl Hill Morphine, Neuropeptides and Pain
Arthur Duggan Synaptic Transmission in the Mammalian Peripheral Nervous System
Ian Hendry Nerve Growth Factors
Peter Bishop The Neurophysiology of Vision
William Levick Highlights of Retinal Research
Geoffrey Henry Discoveries in Visual Neuroscience
Robert Porter Functions of the Supplementary Motor Area of the Primate Cerebral Cortex
Stephen Redman Development of the Single Electrode Voltage Clamp
Quantal Analysis of Synaptic Transmission in Central Neurones
Peter Gage A Persistent Membrane Sodium Channel
Angela Dulhunty Muscle Research at the JCSMR
Jean-Pierre Changeux Chimie de la conscience / Chemistry of conscioussness

Bibliography and digital libraries


The Journal of the History of the Neurosciences edited by The
International Society for the History of the Neurosciences (ISHN)

Medic@ : History of medicine library of the BIU Santé
Gallica : texts from the French National Library

Club d'Histoire des Neurosciences (CHN) Dernière modification : 10/01/2017
Ce site est maintenu, pour le CHN, par le Service informatique de la Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Santé, Paris (BIU Santé)